Sunday, 31 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: Does Consciousness Create Reality? Double Slit Experiment may show the Answer.

Does Consciousness Create Reality? Double Slit Experiment may show the Answer.
The double slit experiment - Does consciousness create reality? Quantum mechanics shows us that particles are in superposition, meaning they can exist in different states and even multiple places at the same time. They are nothing more than waves of probabilities, until the moment that they are measured. One interpretation of this phenomenon is that the measurement being made requires a measurer, or a conscious observer. If this is correct, then it implies that consciousness has to be is an integral part of creating the world that we observe. Could this consciousness then be required for creating reality? Does this mean that there would be no reality without consciousness? Experiments can show that what we think of as particles behave like waves. Waves of probabilities. This is the foundation of Quantum mechanics. The famous double slit experiment illustrates this. What is bizarre is that when you try to find out what’s going on at the slits by placing a detector at the two slits to try to figure out which slit the individual atoms are going through – the “WHICH WAY” information, they all of a sudden stop behaving like waves, and behave like particles. Why do atoms and other particles behave this way? There are many interpretations of this phenomenon. The most widely accepted interpretation, called the Copenhagen interpretation, was devised in 1925 by Neils Bohr and Werner Heisenberg at the University of Copenhagen. Their theory proposed that the atom when it is not measured, is not distinct. But the Copenhagen interpretation does not say anything about consciousness. But what is measurement after all? Does measurement take place at the instrument that measures it? Does measurement necessarily require a consciousness? This is called the “measurement problem of quantum mechanics.” Physicists do not universally agree on a resolution. There are various interpretations. One such interpretation is called the von Neumann–Wigner interpretation. This says that in the long chain of measurement, the collapse occurs at the moment that a consciousness interprets the measurement. The consciousness of the physicist is making the particle distinct. And without this consciousness, the atom would just be a wave of probabilities. One fascinating interpretation is the many worlds interpretation. It was put forth by Hugh Everett in 1957. This theory postulates that there is NEVER any collapse, that we may be a measuring it in our reality, but there is no measurement happening in a different reality, and the wave function continues in that different branch of reality. But at some branch of reality, the particle collapse never actually happens. There is some new evidence that seems to support this idea of multiple realities. A paper published just this year in 2019 by Massimiliano Proietti at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh Seems to support the idea that at least two equally provable realities could exist at a quantum level at the same time. So what is the correct answer? First let’s summarize what we know for sure – we know that measurement that records the which-way information of a particle indeed collapses a particle’s uncertainty wave. This particle collapse is consistent forward or backward in time as well, as shown by the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment. As for many worlds, the equation allow it to be true, but since the other worlds appear to be inaccessible to us, there is no way to prove it. So just because it could be true, doesn’t mean it is true. The Copenhagen interpretation is the most widely accepted, and in my view likely correct. It does not require a consciousness to interpret or even observe the results. I think the problem is with the word “observation” – which for many people seems to imply that someone has to look with their eyes. And eyes have a consciousness behind them. But in quantum mechanics, this is not what the word observation means. So this unfortunate terminology of “observation” is what causes the confusion. In quantum mechanics an observation simply means the interaction of two quantum states that can collapse each other’s probability wave function. Does consciousness play a role. Probably not. And there is some new evidence that seems to show this. A paper published by Shan Yu and Danko Nikolic in 2011 showed that a conscious observer was not necessary for the collapse. Their experiments measured the which-way information of a particle, but recorded it in the state of an atom. This information was not available to a conscious observer, but was preserved in the atom, in other words, it was available to the universe. Conclusion in video... Citations: Two realities: Delayed choice quantum eraser: Yu and Nikolic: #consciousness #doubleslit
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Liked on YouTube: Why Is Earth The Only Planet With Life? | Unveiled

Why Is Earth The Only Planet With Life? | Unveiled
Life on Earth is an amazing thing... It could even be unique! So, why is it that our planet (out of all the planets) hosts life? In this video, Unveiled discovers exactly why Earth is such a perfect home for us... Why aren't we living elsewhere in the solar system? And what are the chances that life exists somewhere else in the universe? These are all big questions, in need of big answers! So, watch on, humble viewer! This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions! Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here: What If Earth Suffered an Alien Pandemic? - What If Earth Were in Quarantine? - Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled ► #Earth #LifeOnEarth #Life #BigQuestions #Amazing #Science
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Liked on YouTube: What do dreams mean? Why do we dream? What are Dreams?

What do dreams mean? Why do we dream? What are Dreams?
Why do we dream? What do dreams mean? What are dreams? We know that we dream while we are asleep. Sleep can be divided into two categories rapid eye movement or REM sleep, and non-REM sleep. When you fall asleep, non-REM occurs first, then you fall into an REM sleep. Deep sleep actually occurs in non-REM sleep. During this time, you body temperature and heart rate fall, and the brain uses less energy. About 90 minutes later, however, we go into REM sleep where our brain activity picks up again, and is very similar to when we are awake. Although this is a smaller portion of total sleep, only about 20-25%, this is when dreams happen. During REM sleep, the brain is telling the body to move, just as if you were awake, but a tiny area of the brain called the pons, causes the body to be paralyzed. The only thing that is not paralyzed is your eyes. That’s why you have rapid eye movement during this period. But what is the purpose of sleeping? One purpose appears to be to restore the brain’s energy. But what is the meaning of dreams? Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, explained dreams as manifestations of a person’s innermost desires. He believed that almost all dreams held some kind of sexual meaning. But the theory that symbols in dreams have meaning is rejected by most scientists today, and much of Freud’s theory has been discredited. So if Freud was wrong, then what do dreams mean? There are a few characteristics that all dreams seem to have in common. 1) We usually cannot remember them 2) When we do remember them, they do not seem to make sense 3) They seem to trigger some of our deepest emotions 4) They seem profound Can these characteristics of dreams be explained by science? Yes. During REM sleep, the part of brain involved in logic and reason, called the prefrontal cortex is turned off, but the emotional part of the brain, located in the hippocampus and amygdala are very active. Since our reasoning ability is not really working, dreams don’t make sense, but everything that we dream about triggers our emotions because that part of our brain is super active. Also, norepinephrine decreases in the body. But this chemical is also involved in helping us form memories. So, because it is down during sleep, our ability to form memories is reduced. This is why we can’t remember dreams. The levels of another brain chemical called serotonin is decreased. According to neuroscientist, Dr. Robert Stickgold, this lowered level of serotonin biases the brain to think that whatever it is experiencing is important. So if this profoundness is an illusion created by the chemical activity in the brain during our sleep process, then why do we dream? One theory is that the purpose of dreams is to help you store and build important memories, and also get rid of or delete unimportant memories. This is similar to defragmenting the hard drive on your computer. Your brain gets thousands, and maybe millions of sensory inputs daily. Biologically, some of these may be important to your survival, but most are unimportant. During sleep, your brain sorts through these inputs of the day, and figures out what to keep in long term memory, and what to delete. So REM appears important for remembering as well as forgetting. But why do some people have some of their most creative thoughts through their dreams?Scientists have proposed that during sleep, biologically our brains are not required to focus on survival activities. During REM sleep, our minds, with the burden of survival being turned off, and the logic portion of our brain, in the prefrontal cortex turned off, we can freely associate ideas and thoughts and perhaps try out different combinations without the constraints of logic or survival bias in our brain. This can allow some of the wildest and creative ideas. But there is also a theory that dreams don’t serve any function at all. Owen Flanagan, Professor of Philosophy at Duke University, thinks that the brain is just firing certain sets of neurons randomly. And dreaming is just our brain vaguely trying to make sense of it all. Could it be that it is all really just meaningless? From a Darwinian perspective, dreams must have fulfilled some biological requirement that gave us some benefit for natural selection, otherwise, we probably would not have retained this function. According to Antti Revonsuo, Professor at the University of Turku in Finland, dreams prepare humans for recognizing and avoiding danger by presenting a simulation of threatening events. This is called the threat-simulation theory. Although there doesn’t seem to be any evidence that the content of our dreams have any profound meaning, the biological purpose appears to be more clear cut. Dreams help the brain function better, and probably give us advantages in terms of creativity, problem solving and danger avoidance. #dreams #arvinash
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Liked on YouTube: Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Frontier of Astronomy

Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Frontier of Astronomy
For a while now, we've been discussing all of things we know about the universe. What about some of the things we don't know? If we look to the current frontier of astronomy, we find two mystifying concepts, dark matter and dark energy. What are these things? How do we know they exist? Do we have any guesses as to what they are? Find out here! Subscribe: Mathematics Tutorials: Classical Physics Tutorials: Modern Physics Tutorials: General Chemistry Tutorials: Organic Chemistry Tutorials: Biochemistry Tutorials: Biology Tutorials: American History Tutorials:
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Liked on YouTube: The shocking source of all mass - It's Not What you Think. Where does mass come from?

The shocking source of all mass - It's Not What you Think. Where does mass come from?
What is Mass? And Where Does it come from? It's source is going to blow you away! It's (mostly) NOT from the Higgs Field. We tend to think of mass as weight? So for example, you might weigh a 150 lbs. An elephant might weigh 12,000 lbs. But On the moon you would weigh 25 lbs, and the elephant would weigh only 2000 lbs. So is your mass 25 lbs or 150 lbs – neither. You weight is not your mass. The force of gravity acting on your mass is what gives you weight. Your mass is the amount of stuff that your body is made of. It’s your body’s resistance to motion or a measurement of the number of atoms you are composed of. If you counted up the mass of all the atoms in your body, that’s what your mass would be. Ok, but where does the mass of the atom come from? You might think that I am going to reference the so called God particle or the Higgs Boson as the particle that gives all fundamental particles mass. The Higgs field is only partly responsible for mass – in fact, only about 2 % of the mass of the universe is directly due to the Higgs field. Where does the other 98% come from? Let’s take a closer look at the atom. Atoms are composed of Protons and Neutrons in the nucleus, with an electron cloud whizzing at high speeds around it. But the mass of the electron is only 0.05% of the total mass of the atom. It is so small compared to the mass of the nucleus, that for our purposes here, we can ignore it. So let’s look at the nucleus of the atom only, which is responsible for 99.95% of the mass of the atom. It is composed of Protons and Neutrons, both of which have about the same amount of mass. So let’s look at just the proton. Where do protons get their mass? If you go inside the protons, you will find that they are fundamentally made up of three even smaller particles called quarks whizzing around each other. But the problem is when we measure the actual mass of the these three quarks – 2 Up, and 1 Down quark – their combined mass only accounts for about 2% of the mass of the proton. So where is the other 98% of the mass coming from, if there are no other particles inside the proton? Well this is the amazing part. The three quarks inside the proton and neutrons are whizzing around each other at nearly the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second, in a very tight space. Their orbits are only about one quadrillionth (0.000000000000001) of a meter, or 1 X10-15 meters across. Particles with mass travelling that fast have a lot of kinetic energy. In addition, when things are whizzing around each other so fast, there has to be a lot of force binding them together or they would fly apart – kind of like the sun keeps the orbits of the planets from flying apart. This means there is energy in the form of potential energy binding the nucleus together. Now if you go back to Einsteins famous equation E = MC2 -- by rearranging the equation to read: M = E/C2 – what you find is that the mass is actually coming from the kinetic and potential energy of these quarks whizzing around each other at high speed. So the vast majority of the mass of particles at the fundamental level is nothing but energy swarming around inside the nucleus of atoms…that manifests itself as mass. And gravity acting on this mass results in your weight. So all the “stuff” that you can see in the universe – like the stars, planets, comets, etc., including your weight, is a result of kinetic and potential energy trapped inside protons and neutrons. Now do you think in the future we might have some kind of diet that reduces our weight by getting rid of some of that quark energy…hmmm? You never know.
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Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: Did NASA Just Find Proof of Parallel Universes? | Unveiled

Did NASA Just Find Proof of Parallel Universes? | Unveiled
A NASA experiment carried out in Antarctica might have just changed the way we view reality. According to reports, mysterious readings potentially give life to one of science fiction’s most exciting concepts… parallel worlds! But could it all be just another false alarm? How excited should we really be about what’s happening with the ice? In this video, Unveiled explores the ANITA experiment to discover whether we've finally found proof of parallel worlds and the multiverse! This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions! Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here: What Did the First 20 Minutes of the Universe Look Like? - What If Dark Energy Increases? - Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled ► #NASA #ParallelUniverse #Space #ANITA #Universe #Multiverse
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Liked on YouTube: Colonizing the Milky Way Galaxy

Colonizing the Milky Way Galaxy
In this video I take a look at ways which would possibly allow us to colonize our galaxy. Twitter: Intro, outro and many other clips in the video were made with Space Engine. Image of the Dyson sphere by Kevin Gill: Music: 1. Space Mercury preview DL-Sounds 2. Huma Huma - Nevada City 3. Space Coast - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena 4. Event Departure - Silent Partner 5. Kevin MacLeod - Crypto
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Liked on YouTube: Religions of the World summarized: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism in 5 minutes

Religions of the World summarized: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism in 5 minutes
Religions of the world Explained: 5 of the worlds most widespread and influential religions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism. You may be surprised to learn that they all share something in common. In order to understand what they have in common, you have to know a little about them. So let's start with that. Buddhism The chief problem in life is suffering and it is caused by desiring worldly things. Suffering can be eliminated by getting rid of material desires. This will help you realize Nirvana, a state of bliss characterized by freedom from rebirths. Buddhists do not worship any God. Buddha was not a god, but a person who realized spiritual enlightenment and freedom from the cycle of birth and death. Most Buddhists believe a person has countless rebirths, which leads to suffering. To end these rebirths, the goal of a Buddhist is to purify one's heart and to let go of all yearnings of sensual desires and material attachment. Through practiced meditation a person may reach Nirvana – the ridding of desires, and freedom from reincarnations. Christianity: God is a loving God who offers everyone a personal relationship with himself now in this life. All people are born in sin. God sent his Son to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins. Faith in Jesus Christ can deliver you from your sins. Jesus was tortured and gave his life on the Cross (At the Crucifixion). Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his Crucifixion (the Resurrection) and proved his deity. The holy book of Christianity is the Bible, consisting of the jewish old testament and new testament. Followers of Jesus regard the Bible as God's written message to humankind. In addition to being an historical record of Jesus' life and miracles. Hinduisim: The world is an illusion, and the goal of humanity is to free the soul from constant rebirth and reincarnations, and to be absorbed into the cosmic consciousness, called Brahman. Central to Hindu belief is the concept of Karma – where past deeds are responsible for present circumstances. If a person’s behavior in the past or in a past life was evil, they might justifiably experience hardships in this life. Hindus believe that godly consciousness is present in everyone and everything. So if God is present in everything, then to a Hindu, worshipping an idol in the form of deities, gurus, rivers, or animals is equivalent. In its truest sense, Hinduism is monotheistic, but is regarded by many as polytheistic because of the various representations of the one Brahman that Hindus might worship. Most Hindus agree that the root of their philosophy comes from a set of books called the Vedas, which translates to “Books of Knowledge,” Islam: Life is to be lived in subordination to God's will. Devotional life centers on the confession, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" Allah is the sole and sovereign ruler of the universe, and source of all good and evil. Everything that happens is Allah's will. To be a Muslim, one must follow five religious duties: 1. Repeat a creed about Allah and Muhammad 2. Recite certain prayers in Arabic five times a day 3. Give to the needy 4. One month each year, fast from food, drink, sex and smoking from sunrise to sunset; 5. Pilgrimage once in your lifetime to worship at the shire in Mecca. At death -- based on one's faithfulness to these duties -- a Muslim hopes to enter Paradise. If not, they will be eternally punished in hell.The scripture of Islam is called the Qur'an, God's word dictated to Muhammad over a period of 22 years. Judaism There is a single God who not only created the universe, but who continues to rule it. Jews are the chosen people of God with whom he has a covenant to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior in the world. Judaism establishes a relationship between Israelites, the Children of Israel and God. Judaism says that death is not the end of the world and that a new world is yet to come into existence. The Ten Commandments are the basis for serving God and for relating to others. Jews also follow the Talmud, a collection of rabbinical interpretations of the Torah. Sabbath observance is the foundation for Jewish worship. The 24 hours from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday are designated as a time of worship and rest from work. The Torah or old testament, the five books of the Hebrew Bible form the most important constituent of the scriptures of Judaism. What do these religions have in common. They all require faith that its teachings and practices will result in everlasting happiness for the human soul. In that sense, all these 5 religions serve a common purpose. So you have to ask the question, if every pilgrim is after the same result for the human soul, why do we keep fighting on our way to get there?
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Liked on YouTube: Pulsar Mapped for the First Time - and it's Unbelievable!

Pulsar Mapped for the First Time - and it's Unbelievable!
Get your free trial of MagellanTV here: It's an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extended, FREE month-long trial. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: For the first time ever, the surface of a pulsar has been mapped using NASA's NICER X-ray telescope. NASA's Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) made the first surface map of the pulsar PSR J0030+0451, a millisecond pulsar located 1100 light-years away in the constellation Pisces. But the surface maps don't look like the traditional magnetic dipole model we're used to. Instead, two - or three - X-ray hotspots were all found in the pulsar's south polar region! 🔔 Subscribe for more: 🖖 Share this video with a fellow space traveler: 🔴 Watch my most recent upload: 🚀 Help me improve the channel by joining the community on Patreon 🚀 Check out Launch Pad merchandise! Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 🧭 References: NASA Press Release: T. E. Riley et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L21 G. Raaijmakers et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L22 A. V. Bilous et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L23 M. C. Miller et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L24 Slavko Bogdanov et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L25 Slavko Bogdanov et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L26 Sebastien Guillot et al. 2019 ApJL 887 L27 ✅ Let's connect: For business inquiries - chris AT christianready DOT com Twitter - @launchpadastro Instagram - @launchpadastro Facebook - Discord - 📭 c/o Christian Ready P.O. Box 66 Westminster, MD 21158 United States Earth
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Liked on YouTube: Neptune Facts And History!

Neptune Facts And History!
From the gasses that form it, to the rocks around it, and more! Join me as I show you the history and facts about Neptune! Subscribe for more videos: 10. The History Of Neptune Before we dive into the various facts, figures, and numbers concerning the planet known as Neptune, let's first talk about its history and its discovery. Because it's a little more important than you might expect it to be. Some of the earliest recorded observations ever made through a telescope, Galileo's drawings on 28 December 1612 and 27 January 1613 contain plotted points that match up with what is now known to be the position of Neptune. On both occasions, Galileo seems to have mistaken Neptune for a fixed star when it appeared close—in conjunction—to Jupiter in the night sky; hence, he is not credited with Neptune's discovery. At his first observation in December 1612, Neptune was almost stationary in the sky because it had just turned retrograde that day. This apparent backward motion is created when Earth's orbit takes it past an outer planet. Because Neptune was only beginning its yearly retrograde cycle, the motion of the planet was far too slight to be detected with Galileo's small telescope. In 2009, a study suggested that Galileo was at least aware that the "star" he had observed had moved relative to the fixed stars. In 1821, Alexis Bouvard published astronomical tables of the orbit of Neptune's neighbour Uranus. Subsequent observations revealed substantial deviations from the tables, leading Bouvard to hypothesize that an unknown body was perturbing the orbit through gravitational interaction. In 1843, John Couch Adams began work on the orbit of Uranus using the data he had. He requested extra data from Sir George Airy, the Astronomer Royal, who supplied it in February 1844. Adams continued to work in 1845–46 and produced several different estimates of a new planet. In 1845–46, Urbain Le Verrier, independently of Adams, developed his own calculations but aroused no enthusiasm in his compatriots. Le Verrier by letter urged Berlin Observatory astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle to search with the observatory's refractor. Heinrich d'Arrest, a student at the observatory, suggested to Galle that they could compare a recently drawn chart of the sky in the region of Le Verrier's predicted location with the current sky to seek the displacement characteristic of a planet, as opposed to a fixed star. On the evening of 23 September 1846, the day Galle received the letter, he discovered Neptune just northeast of Phi Aquarii, 1° from.. 9. Orbits and Rotations As you head to the outer reaches of the solar system, Neptune is "officially" the last planet in our solar system (if you don't believe that Pluto is a planet...), and as such, its time around the sun isn't so much about years rather than lifetimes. Because one orbit around the sun is about 165 years! The oldest person to ever live hasn't made to 165 years (unless you count certain religious tales and the mythological stories, just saying). In 2011 Neptune completed its first 165-year orbit since its discovery in 1846. For a day though, it's actually faster than its twin in Uranus, because it has a day of about 16 hours. So that right there is a bit of a conundrum if you will. Because IF we were ever to make it to Neptune (and we'll get to that), the days on there would be shorter, but not impossible to adjust to. But to try and adjust to a year-cycle that is double the average lifespan of a human? That would take some doing. Though I'm sure some of you would try and make it work out. 8. Seasons As for seasons on the planet Neptune, like many of the other planets, it has Spring Summer Winter and Fall, it's just that they last about 40 years each and can cause extreme temperature changes to the planet when they occur. 7. Storms and Spots In 1989, the Great Dark Spot, an anti-cyclonic storm system spanning 13,000 × 6,600 km, was discovered by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. The storm resembled the Great Red Spot of Jupiter and it was large enough to hold the ENTIRE Earth within it. Some five years later, on 2 November 1994, the Hubble Space Telescope did not see the Great Dark Spot on the planet. Instead, a new storm similar to the Great Dark Spot was found in Neptune's northern hemisphere. The Scooter is another storm, a white cloud group farther south than the Great Dark Spot. This nickname first arose during the months leading up to the Voyager 2 encounter in 1989, when they were observed moving at speeds faster than the Great Dark Spot (and images acquired later would subsequently reveal the presence of clouds moving even faster than those that had initially been detected by Voyager 2). The Small Dark Spot is a southern cyclonic storm, the second-most-intense storm observed during the 1989 encounter. #InsaneCuriosity#Neptune #TheSolarSystem
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Liked on YouTube: Inside a Black Hole: What's beyond the Event Horizon? Other Universes?

Inside a Black Hole: What's beyond the Event Horizon? Other Universes?
What is inside a Black Hole? A black hole is really not a celestial body like a planet or a star. There is really no substance there other than a severely curved space-time. It’a a region in space where matter is condensed to a theoretical infinitely small point – so small in fact that this point effectively disappears from our universe. This is called the gravitational singularity. So if there is nothing there, what does it mean when we talk about different size black holes? When we talk about the size of a black hole, we are really talking about the size of its event horizon. The radius of this event horizon is called the Schwarzschild radius. What happens beyond the event horizon can be ascertained by general relativity, but what happens at the singularity is anyone’s guess. The more massive a black hole is, the less its “density” and the less dangerous it is. Very large black holes like the one at the center of the milky way called Sagittarius A* has about the same density as that of water. You could likely go deep inside Sagittarius A*’s event horizon before tidal forces eventually tore you apart near the singularity. As Adam gets closer to the event horizon, we notice that he speeds up, then he slows down and his space suit appears to get redder and fainter until he disappears from our view. He is still there, but the light reflecting off of him is so red shifted that it is invisible even to our infrared cameras. He would appear to be completely stationary. This is because at the event horizon, from the perspective of the ship, time stops completely. From Adam’s perspective his time is running just fine. Spacetime curves more and more severely as he gets close to the black hole. Looking back, all the light reaching him is being blue shifted. Light that was infra red, not visible to him before, is now in the visible spectrum. And light that was visible before has blue shifted to x-rays, and even gamma rays. Would he be able to see the entire future history of the universe just before he enters the event horizon? He could view this. But it would only be viewable as a small dot of light directly overhead. How is it possible that the people on the ship see Adam as not moving, but Adam is moving and doing just fine? Both perspectives are correct. This is because the laws of quantum mechanics requires that Adam remains on the outside of the event horizon because otherwise it would violate the conservation laws – that information can never be lost. Einstein’s theory however requires that relative to Adam, nothing is different. Time for him ticks normally. Adam is now inside the event horizon. But not much changes for him. But he cannot see the light that fell before him, and he can never actually sees the singularity because all light is headed towards it, no light is headed away from it. He still has a sense of upness and downness inside the black hole, but every direction feels downwards. Time becomes space inside the black hole. Once Adam reaches the singularity, will be ripped to shreds. Is there any way that Adam can escape this grim fate? There are two theoretical scenarios in which he may actually survive. First, if this black hole is charged, called a Reissner-Nordstrom black hole, the singularity singularity creates such a high centrifugal force, that space near it becomes gravitationally repulsive instead of attractive. And this spinning singularity creates an inner horizon that is a worm hole or an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Then he would be catapulted out through a white hole. And in the second case, if the theory of Loop Quantum Gravity is correct, then there would be no singularity in a black hole at all. This case would be very similar to the rotating black hole, except there would be no infinitely bright light. And how long would yours or Adam’s trip inside the black hole last? Well in all scenarios it will take only about 16 seconds. So not much time for sight-seeing. The black hole is where quantum mechanics and Relativity collide. Gravity becomes a dominant force at the quantum scale at the singularity. The great secret that black holes may reveal to us is that there is no objective reality. Reality depends on whom you ask. It seems to be observer dependent. Ultimately Einstein’s equations may lead us to an understanding that not only is time relative, but reality itself may be relative. #blackhole #arvinash Many thanks to Dr. Andrew Hamilton, Professor of Astorphysics, University of Colorado
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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: What happens to Your Atoms after you die? The Immortal Infinite Journey.

What happens to Your Atoms after you die? The Immortal Infinite Journey.
What happens to your atoms when you die? About 100 billion people have died since the dawn of humanity. Since the law of conservation of matter says that matter cannot be created or destroyed, all their atoms have to be still be around. The two most common human practices for disposing of dead bodies is burial underground and cremation. The majority of the molecules in your body are in the form of H2O or water. This will either evaporate out of the body and into the atmosphere, or be leached out into the ground. The rate of this leaching depends on the temperature and condition of the soil and the atmosphere to which the body is exposed. The vast majority of water even if it is in liquid form will enter earths water cycle where it will be eventually heated into steam, go up into the clouds, and come down as rain water. Much of this will eventually end up in rivers and lakes, and subsequently in your drinking water. Some of the rain water will be absorbed by plants. That water will be used in the process of photosynthesis, where the water and carbon dioxide, along with sunlight are involved in a chemical reaction that produces carbohydrates and oxygen. You and other fellow human beings will breathe this oxygen produced by plants to sustain your lives. And what about the carbohydrates produced from the water in photosynthesis? You and your fellow animals will eat it in the form of fruits and vegetables. And guess what, in the process of metabolizing all the carbohydrate food from plants, you will produce the food for plants – carbon dioxide and water. And the cycle repeats itself. What happens to all your soft tissues? Your soft tissues are composed of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that get metabolized with the help of about 100 trillion bacteria that live in your body. But wait, where did all these bacteria come from? And why aren’t they eating your right now? They have been living in your body all along – mostly in your gut – your small and large intestines. Your body has a very robust immune system which keeps these 100 trillion bacteria in your body in check. However, once you die, your immune system stops working. So your bacteria now have a field day consuming all the tissues in your body. The bacteria metabolize all the soft tissues and use it for energy and reproduction. Other gases besides Carbon Dioxide and Water vapor are also produced. Proteins in your body for example have nitrogen atoms. And these are metabolized into nitrogen oxides NO, NO2, N2O etc, and ammonia NH3 – which by the way are potent greenhouse gases. Nitrogen oxides are about 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide for example. Once the oxygen begins to run out, then anaerobic bacteria go to work. These bacteria don’t need oxygen to metabolize your tissues. But they produce Methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia as by products – the smelly gases. These eventually escape the body and become part of the atmosphere. So when you go outside and smell something funny in the air, it is possible that you are inhaling atoms that came from your great grandma. Other molecules are released as nutrients into the underlying soil. What about cremation? When we are cremated, the majority of atoms in your body which are hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur are turned into gases due to the high heat of the burning process. These gases enter the atmosphere in the form of water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides. But as you know several kilograms of a you will be in the form of ash left over from the cremation process. An interesting statistic is that your ashes weigh About the same as your birth weight. What are these ashes composed of? Phosphate and Calcium make up your bones. So that’s where these atoms come from. What happens to these ashes? These ashes are likely to make their way eventually to soil, where they will be incorporated into the structure of plants. These plants will be eaten by animals and humans, and end up back in your body. Eventually, tiny bits of you will end up in your great grandchildren’s morning cereal or hamburger. But there is one big exception: your body also has a tiny amount of radioactive elements. Tiny amounts of thorium and uranium will eventually become lead. But along with this decay, some atoms of helium will also be formed. Earth’s gravity isn't strong enough to hold helium to our planet, and so tiny bits of what once was you will float off into space. So some of your atoms are in for a fantastical and exciting journey forever floating to the farthest reaches of the universe until the end of time. You and your family can take some comfort that science says that every single vibration of every single atom of you will always be around.
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Liked on YouTube: The Science Of The Martian! A Survival Guide On The Red Planet

The Science Of The Martian! A Survival Guide On The Red Planet
If you would get marooned on a desert island, how confident are you that you would survive? How about if the desert island is Mars? The Science Of The Martian! A Survival Guide On The Red Planet. Subscribe for more videos: What’s the worst you’ve ever been stranded on? Have you been lost in a place you’re extremely unfamiliar with? Or some rural area where there isn’t any internet or even electricity? Or maybe you’ve gone somewhere extreme. Have you ever been lost on an island due to some circumstances beyond your control? Well, if you’re that last one. I have nothing but mad respect for you, sir...or maam! If you’re watching this, it’s most probably that you survived that ordeal and that’s awesome! I’m not saying any struggle is comparable against one another, but I think Ridley Scott’s The Martian will definitely show you the worst possible level of being stranded you can ever get! I personally prefer this one, as this is one of the best works of sci-fi that didn’t settle down for complete fantasy over facts. In fact, one of the screenwriters, Drew Goddard, specifically mentioned that they “weren’t going to dumb the movie down”, since they know they will have a smart audience. And boy, did they deliver. The movie describes the experience of astronaut Mark Watney, as he was left for end on Mars. Before you get mad at his mission crew, it is important to note that it’s not their fault entirely. I mean, Mark was basically hammered away by some debris as there was a gigantic storm ongoing. Their commander had to make a tough decision on the spot, and that’s not always a happy one. But enough about that, today let’s learn about Matt Damon’s solitary experience on Mars. Today, let’s list down tips that will serve as a guide on how to survive if ever you get stranded on the red planet! Of course while exploring the science behind each item as we go through them. Who knows? Maybe the first person who will actually be stranded on Mars is one of the viewers of this show! At least, whoever that is, will have a hint of what to do. Tip Number 1: When there’s a storm, always wait it out! The Martian wasted no time and kicked off the movie with a gigantic storm that resulted in the main conflict of the film: Watney being separated from his crew. But it’s not like they didn’t know this was coming. They detected this on a forecast, and deliberated whether they will stay or they will go. And if you have seen the movie, I think you already know how that discussion went. I think it wouldn’t take a genius to know that you shouldn’t get out when there’s a storm forecasted to strike you down 8600 Newtons of force, making this our tip number 1. However, do storms like the one in the movie really happen on Mars? According to studies, despite having only 1% of our own atmosphere, which means they have a really small amount of gas, it is possible to have dust storms on Mars. It was even said that these storms could get so wild that they cover the entire planet. But these winds are not that strong, as they can only go between 15 to 30 m/s. This speed can carry small particles like dust, but is highly unlikely to cause a storm that can topple down a towering spacecraft. The science isn’t looking good so far, but come on. You gotta give the creatives a lot of room to move the story, right? Tip Number 2: Keep Calm and Do the Science It wouldn’t take a genius to realize that the best part of the film is how composed and collected Mark Watney was despite facing the largest predicament of his life. As he beautifully stated in the film, he had to “science the cheese” out of it. Of course he didn’t say cheese. We had to change that for obvious reasons. He knew that he was going to be waiting for the next manned mission for an absolutely long time, so what steps did he make? He sat down and did an inventory of his supply, he found a way to stretch whatever limited resource he had, and he devised a way to communicate with Earth and tell everyone “hey, I’m alive!” This is a very refreshing take for scientists, right? In movies, they are almost every time depicted as weirdos that are sometimes disabled by their own human nature. Sometimes they can get too evil, too greedy, or too nihilistic. But the movie didn’t show folks that way. It’s important to note that it’s not just the lead character that has this attitude, but also the rest of the Ares crew aboard Hermes, and the ground crew. A problem is affront, and instead of scrambling, they gather themselves and work towards a solution. And if you ask the scientists in JPL, they will tell you how happy they are that astronauts are depicted with this level of care and accuracy in the movie. Tip Number 3: Stretch your resources #InsaneCuriosity#TheTheMartian #MarsEverythingAboutTheRedPlanet
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Liked on YouTube: The Strangest Weather Phenomena on Other Planets

The Strangest Weather Phenomena on Other Planets
I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Liked on YouTube: Why the SpaceX NASA Mission is a Landmark For Astronaut Spaceflight

Why the SpaceX NASA Mission is a Landmark For Astronaut Spaceflight
Not only is this the first time a commercial company is sending people into space, it is also the first crewed mission to the International Space Station to be launched from American soil in 9 years since the Space Shuttle was decommissioned. On the 27th of May SpaceX will make spaceflight history by being the first commercial company to transport humans to the ISS on a Falcon9 rocket in the SpaceX Dragon Crew spacecraft. This is the beginning of commercial spaceflight and potentially the beginning of space tourism. #spacex #NASA #astronauts #crewdemo2 --- Credits -- NASA image and Video library Music: Verified Picasso by Scary Island, Song of Sadhana and Spenta Mainyu by Jesse Gallagher. If you’d like to support my free educational content: --- Posters ---- DFTBA Store: RedBubble Store: I have also made posters available for educational use which you can find here: -- Some Awesome People --- And many thanks to my $10 supporters on Patreon, you are awesome! Theodore Chu Sebastian Duong Nguyen Eric Epstein Join the gang and help support me produce free and high quality science content: --- My Science Books ---- I also write science books for kids! You can see them all here: --- Follow me around the internet ---
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Liked on YouTube: Jupiter: King of the Planets

Jupiter: King of the Planets
If you're in the market for a planet and size is your top priority, there's only one game in town, and that's Jupiter. Jupiter is significantly larger than all the other seven planets combined. The Romans didn't know how big it was when they named it after the king of the gods, but they were right on the money. And the best part about the Jovian system is some of its fascinating moons, like Ganymede and Europa. There's so much to talk about here, start watching this now! Subscribe: This month's Mega Professor Pals: Saleh Saif Justin Bonds Sebastian Jo To see your name here, visit my Patreon page, linked above! Mathematics Tutorials: Classical Physics Tutorials: Modern Physics Tutorials: General Chemistry Tutorials: Organic Chemistry Tutorials: Biochemistry Tutorials: Biology Tutorials: American History Tutorials:
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Liked on YouTube: The woo explained! Quantum physics simplified. consciousness, observation, free will

The woo explained! Quantum physics simplified. consciousness, observation, free will
Signup for your FREE trial to The Great Courses Plus here: Quantum physics simplified. Are Consciousness and Free Will linked to quantum mechanics? The double slit experiment explained. What is the difference between observation and measurement? Since Quantum Mechanics is the basis of all modern microelectronics it is extremely important for you to be able to separate quantum mechanics facts from fiction. There are misconceptions about quantum mechanics. I explain as simply as possible how quantum mechanics actually works. In 1801, British physicist Thomas Young performed a double slit experiment which showed that light was a wave, because it formed an interference pattern as a wave would. So for most of the 19th century light was considered a wave. However, in 1887, German Physicist Heinrich Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect. This is where light can knock off electrons from atoms. But this was not triggered by certain colors regardless of the intensity, but only by higher frequencies of light. This was not the way a classical wave was supposed to behave. This mystery was solved by Albert Einstein who proposed that light was not a wave, but came in packets of energy, photons. And the energy of these particles was proportional to its frequency of the wave. So Young and Einstein’s results seemed to be in conflict. Was light a wave or a particle? In 1909, G. I. Taylor performed a double slit experiment such that only one photon was emitted through the double slits at a time. He showed that individual photons look like particles, but a bunch of photons behave together like a wave. This experiment was later performed with electrons which also showed the same pattern. But people were perplexed as to what a wave of an electron actually means. In classical mechanics, Newton’s second law makes a mathematical prediction about the path a physical object will take, if you know its initial conditions. Something that showed a similar mathematical description of the wave of electrons was needed. In 1925, Austrian Physicist, Erwin Schrodinger, invented such an equation that revealed the shape of this wave function. Unlike Newton’s equation, it is not deterministic. It evolves over time. The Psi in the equation, which looks like a trident, is a wave function. In 1926, German physicist, Max Born, worked out that the psi function was related to probability. The most accepted interpretation of the wave function, called the Copenhagen interpretation, says that until a measurement is made, this equation tells us that the electron is in all the potential positions at once. So when the measurement takes place, that’s when we say that its wave function has collapsed, because only at that point can we ascertain where where electron is or what its properties are. And this collapse of the wave function is where the main confusion occurs in quantum mechanics. There is no equation that outlines exactly how this collapse occurs after measurement. This has been called the measurement problem of quantum mechanics. I’ve been careful to use the word measurement instead of “observation” – which many textbooks and physicists use interchangeably. But observation in quantum mechanics does not require eyes. It is simply a measurement. So what is a measurement? When an electron bounces off an atom, that’s a measurement. An observation in physics does not mean a conscious observer. Just about anything can be an observation. If an atom in superposition interacts bumps into another atom, that’s an observation. In the double slit experiment, when a single photon hits the screen, it collapses the probability wave of the photon. It shows up as a particle. That same photon is acting as a wave prior to hitting the screen, because it hasn’t been measured yet. The screen measures it. If enough photons are fired, you get a distribution exactly as predicted by the wave function. The measurement made was a purely physical measurement. It would not matter if anyone or any animal looked at the measurement. Overall what we can see is that the fundamental underpinnings of nature are probabilistic not deterministic. Does this justify free will? No. Just because free will implies that your decisions are not deterministic, and quantum mechanics implies that the properties of small particles are also not deterministic, the two are not related. There is no science linking the two. #quantumphysics And consciousness is not required to collapse of the wave function. The universe exists whether we are here to observe it or not. The Great Courses Plus is currently available to watch through a web browser to almost anyone in the world and optimized for the US, UK, and Australian markets. The Great Courses Plus is currently working to both optimize the product globally and accept credit card payments globally.
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Monday, 25 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: How did the Universe form - out of nothing?

How did the Universe form - out of nothing?
Check out "Part II" of this video here: -- How did the universe form? How did the Universe come from nothing? If you were to get rid of every “thing” in a certain part of space – all the planets, stars, atoms, particles, and even light and radiation… that space would still have weight – it would weigh something. It turns out that what we think of as “nothing” is NOT nothing. It is something. Space is bubbling with virtual particles that pop in and out of existence. (Quantum Fluctuations). These particles do this in a time scale so short that the laws of physics forgives this creation of these ghost particles that seem to arise from nothing. The laws of quantum mechanics allow this. The empty space within a proton represents 90% of the mass of the proton. And since most of our physical world is made up of protons and neutrons, this so called “empty space” inside them is what gives us mass. Here is the analogy – a zero represents nothing right? But a zero can also be represented by the number 1 million plus negative one million: 1,000,000 + (-1,000,000) = 0 The above equation is the key to understanding how our universe began. The total energy of the universe is 0, or “nothing” …however, at the beginning of the universe the zero spontaneously divided into 1 gazillion megawatts of energy, and negative 1 gazillion megawatts of energy. The total energy was still zero, but it was divided into these two numbers. The positive energy is represented by all the matter you can see in the universe – stars, planets, particles, radiation… …Because energy is equivalent to mass using Einstein’s famous equation E=MC(2) And what about the negative energy – where is that? That negative energy is in the form of gravity. The universe is flat. It is in perfect balance. The negative energy of gravity cancels out the positive energy of matter. Like my favorite character from the Matrix says…It is symphony of mathematical precision…the universe has a total energy of precisely zero. But it has manifested itself into something rather than nothing.
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Liked on YouTube: Are we alone in the universe? Where are all the aliens? Fermi Paradox Solutions & Drake Equation

Are we alone in the universe? Where are all the aliens? Fermi Paradox Solutions & Drake Equation
Do Aliens exist? Are we alone in the universe? Where is everyone? Fermi Paradox and Drake Equation: Where is everyone? You probably already know that there are more stars in the universe than all the sands on all the beaches of earth. In fact, Keppler data shows that just within our own Milky Way galaxy, there may be 10 billion earth-size planets orbiting sun-like stars in the habitable zone of its solar system. Physicist Enrico Fermi, in the 1950’s, asked why, given the vast number of potential planets with life, haven’t we been contacted by aliens yet? Fermi reasoned that any civilization could colonize the galaxy by building AI robot probes that could self-replicate as they journeyed beyond their home planet. Even though the distances between habitable planets are much too vast to be traversed in a human lifetime, the theoretical robots would have had millions or even billions of years to make the journey. This seems to be a reasonable assessment because when our instruments look out into the universe, we can see that the materials and conditions for life that are present here on earth, But the fact is that our instruments can see no evidence from all our observations of any tell-tale signs of intelligent life anywhere in our solar system, our galaxy or the rest of the observable universe. In order to detect the kind of signal that Fermi was talking about, that life also has to be super intelligent…One that sends out electromagnetic signals. And in order for us to detect intelligent life on other galaxies, that species would have to be a space colonizing species. Such a galaxy should light up unnaturally. So even having intelligent beings on a planet is not enough, because many intelligent beings have evolved on earth, but super intelligence – space-faring species, like us humans, only evolved only once over 4 billion year on earth. The Observation selection effect creates a bias in our thinking because no matter how unlikely super intelligence in the universe is, because it has happened here on earth, we are biased to think that it should be easy and can happen anywhere, no matter how unlikely it actually is. There are several features of our evolution that makes it reasonable to assume that we got here due to extreme circumstances. For example going from simple single cell bacteria to complex organelle-containing cells from which all complex animal life came took about 1.5 billion years on earth to evolve. But maybe the natural progression of such an evolutionary leap is on the order of 20 bilion or more years. There is no evolutionary reason for life forms to be a space colonizing species. There is nothing that it does to our species to help us eat or reproduce better. We don’t seem to have evidence that this intelligent life form will continue to evolve into a super intelligent life form like we did. We can look at the fermi paradox mathematically. The Drake Equation shows the many variables used to estimate the number of active extraterrestrial civilizations in the milky way galaxy. N = R Fp Ne Fl Fi Fc L R= average rate of star formation in our galaxy Fp = fraction of those stars that have planets Ne = avg number of planets that can support life per star that has planets Fl = Fraction of planets that can support life that actually develop life Fi = fraction of planets with life that go on to develop super-intelligent life Fc = fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that release detectable signs into space L = length of time that such civilizations release detectable signs into space Fi – is an utter guess, and may be an extremely small number. Fp is large, nearly 1, but our failure to detect intelligent life tells us that there may be a filter or several filters that prevents super intelligent life from emerging. There is a possibility that there is a great filter between where we are now and the beginning of earth. Or there is a great filter between where we are now and some event in the future that prevents intelligent life from colonizing the galaxy. This is why finding life on one of the other planets in our solar system would spell doom for us. Why? Because Finding a life form that evolved independently of earth on a planet in our own solar system, would mean that life is likely very easy to evolve. This would mean that we are probably staring straight down into the barrel of the gun that is about to fire in our face. The great filter – would be an event that is likely to spell the death of our civilization and technology. So let’s hope that there is no other life on our own solar system. There are theorists that say that aliens are keeping us like in an alien zoo and have conspired to make us unaware of it. The simplest explanation is that Intelligent life is very difficult to evolve. It fits all the evidence. But given the size of the universe, even if life is extremely rare, it can still be abundant. #fermiparadox
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Liked on YouTube: 6 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Black Holes!

6 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Black Holes!
As mysterious as they appear, our knowledge about blackholes seem to be as dark as how they are pictured to be. That’s why we’re taking on the six most frequently asked questions about blackholes, in today’s episode! Subscribe for more videos: I think none of us here haven’t heard about blackholes, right? It’s basically a great conversation starter, and a plot device for a lot of science fiction. It’s like one of the great things that gets you interested in exploring the field of astronomy. And I wouldn’t blame you at all! I mean, it’s pretty easy to get amazed by how extreme, how bizarre, and how mysterious black holes are. If that doesn’t get you to be attracted to, let’s say science at the very least, I don’t know what will. Maybe some dinosaurs? But as majestic as they come, there’s really a lot that we don’t know about it. Even the scientists who study these kinds of objects still have a lot of questions, and each time they try to answer them, they end up with more questions. It’s a crazy Russian doll! That’s why today, why don’t we both get down to the bottom of it all. Let’s talk about the six most asked questions when people talk about black holes Number 6: How do we make blackholes? Okay, to set the pace, let’s get this going with something very basic and simple: the origin of a blackhole. If we’re going to talk about something, it’s one of the best places to start, right? In theory, anything can be turned into a blackhole. All you have to do is to compress the volume of the object into what’s called its Schwarzchild radius. Easy! But okay, let’s get real. We know that we don’t have that amount of force. Some of us here can barely open a can of pickles, let alone have the capacity to crush an object to an infinitesimally small size. So instead, let’s look at where there is an abundance of it: where else but space. Like it’s equally extreme cousin, the neutron star, blackholes can be thought to be some sort of stellar phoenixes: they arise from the ashes of another dea* star. Well, technically speaking, they didn’t arise out of nowhere. They’re the former nucleus of that other star. It’s like if a heart of some human comes out of its body and decided it wanted his own life. If you know Ricardio of Adventure Time, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Okay, that’s too much tangent. So let’s discuss how exactly an old star gives birth to a black hole. Stars undergo their own respective life cycles. It starts as a cloud of dust particles, to a young star, to a giant, then it goes to its inevitable deat*. So basically, a star fuses hydrogen most of its life, but once it runs out of hydrogen, it goes off script and begins fusing helium, and running out of that, it starts to fuse heavier elements instead. Now, you may think that’s nothing to be afraid of, but when you fuse heavier elements, you expect to generate more energy. This energy generated by fusion battles the gravity that’s been trying to crush the star, until the balance tips and gravity wins resulting in a massive, bright supernova. Whether or not it ends up as a blackhole normally depends on how massive the star was. On one hand, the core could collapse to a neutron star. On the other hand, if it's too massive, it becomes a blackhole. According to studies, the bare minimum mass range to determine whether a star will collapse to a blackhole or not is around 3 to 5 times Solar masses. Actually, it is guaranteed that if a star’s mass falls in that range, expect a black hole at the end of its life. Number 5: How can a black hole pull light? If you have studied quantum mechanics, one of the characteristics of light that you might have heard is how the particles of light, photons, are actually massless, by the common convention. And, the kind of force that black holes use is exactly gravity. From the basic definition of gravity, we know that for something to have this kind of force, it’s got to have mass. An object with extreme mass suc*s in a massless object? How exactly do black holes accomplish this? First, let’s explore a theory first brought by Einstein: general relativity. Specifically, the most important part of it which can help us understand how black holes work. Newton established gravity as some sort of non-contact force. It acts from one object to another event without contact. However, our hero Albert remediated this by explaining how gravity isn’t really an eerie force transmitted without contact, but is actually a distortion of spacetime by massive objects. Think of it this way, let’s say we have a trampoline, and that nobody is jumping up and down on it. Number 4: What’s the biggest and smallest a black hole can get? Number 3: How does time work in a black hole? Number 2: What happens when you fall inside a black hole? Number 2: What happens when you fall inside a black hole? #InsaneCuriosity#BlackHoles
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Liked on YouTube: What happens to your energy when you die?

What happens to your energy when you die?
What Happens To Your Energy when you Die? During the time that you will be watching this video, 500 people around the world will die. Their thoughts, their hopes, their dreams no longer with us. About 3 people die every 2 seconds. I hope you will not be one of them. But if are, you may take some comfort knowing that your energy will live on. It will not ever be destroyed. Does this mean that the energy of your spirit or consciousness will also live on? Your energy after you die will in fact be HIGHER than it is while you are alive. How is that possible? The energy and matter in the universe does not change. It merely changes form. This is the first law of thermodynamics. Energy and matter do not get destroyed. To understand why your body after death has more energy than when it was alive, you have to understand where all the energy in your body is. The vast majority of your energy is in the form of chemical energy stored in the fats, proteins and carbohydrates that you carry around in your tissues and fluids. About 20% of your body weight is in the form of fats, and another 15% is in the form of proteins. About 2% is in the form of carbohydrates. All these are forms of chemical potential energy. When you are alive, and you are moving around. Your body is continually converting the chemical energy that you carry around in your body, in the form of carbohydrates like glucose into heat and kinetic energy which is used to move your your muscles like your heart, your arms, legs, intestines. These movements are eventually converted to heat. The formula looks like this. C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38 ATP + Heat Glucose + oxygen = water + carbon dioxide + energy ATP or Adenine Triphosphate is what your muscles use to contract and move. And all this energy that you are constantly expending is eventually turned into carbon dioxide, water, and heat. If you looked at your living body through a heat camera, you would see a whole bunch of heat coming off of you. Whenever we create energy for our muscles or nerves, we lose an equal amount of chemical energy. Trees and plants convert light energy of the sun to chemical energy in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Animals convert these same carbohydrates, proteins and fats into kinetic, electrical and heat energy. Light+Carbon Dioxide+water = Oxygen+GlucoseLight+6CO2 +6H2O 6O2+C6H12O6 So What happens when you drop dead. You are no longer converting your stored chemical energy into other forms of energy. You stop losing the chemical stores in your body. But when you are alive, you are losing your stores of energy constantly. So just like a car parked in the garage has more fuel than the same car running on the highway, you have more energy when dead than alive. Now let’s answer the metaphysical question about whether any of your energy is retained as conscious or spiritual energy. Every kind of energy, whether electrical, kinetic, sound, even nuclear, all of the chemical and electrical potential in the body is eventually converted to heat energy. This is true even after you die. Your chemical energy and your electrical energy will all eventually be converted to heat. This has to do with Newtons 2nd law. Entropy or disorderliness of the universe always increases. But energy is absolutely conserved upon death by conversion to other forms of energy. Unfortunately, conversion to spiritual or conscious energy doesn’t appear to be one of them. There is no evidence that your consciousness is conserved in any way. The electrical energy of your brain simply ceases to be, and will change form to a higher entropy, or more disordered form of energy, namely heat. There have been many, attempts to measure a drop in energy or mass leaving the body at the “moment of death” to prove that a spirit has left the body. But these experiments have been not been repeatable, and not well controlled. The most famous is the 1907 experiment by Dr. Duncan MacDougall where he put his patients dying of tuberculosis on giant scales. He claimed that these patients, upon death lost an average of 21 grams – which became popularly considered the weight of our souls. He had 6 patients and so 6 data points, and it was not repeated. All current evidence indicates that nothing spectacular, spiritual, or inspiring appears to suddenly leave or enter the body upon death. Heat does leave your body, and the chemical store of your body do get consumed by bacteria and other organisms, and eventually turned into heat. But this heat is not your spirit or consciousness – it is just the most disordered form of energy. The body, perhaps not unlike the universe at the end of time, will simply die a very slow heat death. And we humans can some take comfort that every single atom and every nano watt of energy that we are carrying around right now will live on until the end of time.
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Sunday, 24 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: Is Time Travel possible? Science Shows 3 Real Ways

Is Time Travel possible? Science Shows 3 Real Ways
Is time travel possible? Of course it is…into the future. You and I are travelling in time right now. And travelling into the far future also is also a reality using Einstein’s principle of time dilation when you travel at high speeds or are near a really high gravity source. If you travel at nearly the speed of light, your time could slow so much that a day for you may be 10 years on earth. What doesn’t appear to be possible is travel into the past. So if you did travel into the future, you wouldn’t be able to come back to your previous time. Time travel into the past presents paradoxes, the most famous of which is the “grandfather paradox” where a traveler goes back in time, and murders his own grandfather. This alters the course of history in a way that the traveler couldn’t have been born to travel back in time to kill his grandfather. These paradoxes cannot exist in nature according to the Hawking chronology protection conjecture. So the idea of time travel as your current self is likely not possible. However, going back to a past version of yourself cannot be ruled out. This means that using any technology to go back to your past would bring you back to a younger version of yourself, but you would not know that you had travelled back in time. The events that took place during that earlier time would play out EXACTLY like they did as before. Now, this would not be much fun because you would just be reliving a past that would be no different, and you would simply relive it exactly as you did before. You could not change anything because it is already written in stone, and no information or knowledge would have travelled back with you. It turns out this type of travel back in time is theoretically possible, and there are three methods to do this. 1) Caroline Mallary a phD student at the University of Massachusettes, Dartmouth proposed this. You would take two long spaceships and park them in parallel. One car moves forward really fast, while the other is parked. A time loop forms between the two cars such that space and time folds on itself. You also need to have a special kind of matter in the two cars, consisting of infinite density. In other words you would need a bare and observable singularity. A point in space with such a huge density that it breaks through the fabric of space and time. Of course, we don’t have a way to create such a singularity, or know whether this kind of singularity even exists. 2) Professor Ben Tippett at the University of British Columbia worked out a theoretical way you could travel back in time. His math is based on Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Since massive objects can bend space and time, they cause the space time fabric to curve. His time machine uses this concept of bending the fabric of space-time to an extreme degree such that it forms a circle instead of just a bent fabric. That circle could take us back in time. To build his time machine we would need a theoretical particle known as negative matter - which has not been found yet. Tippett calls his time machine, “Traversable Acausal Retrograde Domain in Space-time” or TARDIS – From Dr. Who. 3) This is from the master himself. Einstein said that if it were possible to travel faster than the speed of light, then it would be equivalent to travelling back in time. It turns out that Einstein’s equations apply to speeds slower than the speed of light, as well as speed faster than the speed of light. They just break down AT the speed of light. In fact, the reason we are seemingly limited to stay below the speed of light is because as you approach the speed of light, according to his equations, time slows down. And it stops completely at the speed of light, and forms a singularity. However, if you could somehow break this speed barrier, like Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier, then you would find yourself travelling back in time. There is nothing in Einstein’s equations that precludes the backward trajectory of time. All the equations of physics would apply whether time was flowing forward or backward. Or let’s make it really simple…how about someone from the future…where I’m sure they’ve figured this out …could come back, and show us how to build a time machine. So what if that causes a paradox and destroys the world, at least I would get to kick that 3rd grade bully’s ass.
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Liked on YouTube: Scientists Find Unusual, Non-Human Footprints On The Moon | NASA's Unexplained Files

Scientists Find Unusual, Non-Human Footprints On The Moon | NASA's Unexplained Files
Were humans the only ones to leave their mark on the Moon? Not according to this image. Catch full episodes of your favourite Quest shows here: Subscribe to Quest TV for more great clips: dplay: Follow Quest on Twitter:
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Liked on YouTube: Is consciousness God? And where is it located?

Is consciousness God? And where is it located?
Is consciousness god? What is consciousness? And Where is it located? We tend to treat our consciousness as a mystery, perhaps even as a supernatural quality of being human. Something that might even be divine, connecting us to a higher power. But could the source of consciousness really just all be contained in the neurons, synapses and other connections within our brain? New research seems to point us to one of these directions. What is it that makes it so mystical for us. What is consciousness? No one knows for sure, but scientists seem to agree that consciousness has to involve the integration of activity from several brain networks, allowing us to perceive our surroundings. It integrates all our sensory inputs - sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste as one single unifying experience rather than isolated sensory perceptions. It connects us to our present, memories of our past…and to our emotions into a single ego-centric perception. All these things shape our perception of who we are, and what we believe to be the world around us. Even if we don’t know what it is, can we at least find out WHERE it is? Just days before he died in July 2004, Francis Crick, who co-discovered the structure of DNA, was working on a paper that suggested that our consciousness needs some kind of conductor to put all external stimuli and internal perceptions together He hypothesized that this conductor would need to rapidly integrate information from different parts of the brain and put them into a whole. For example, if you are sitting outside and you smell a neighbor’s barbeque, you might instantly be able to imagine the kind of food he is cooking. You may remember its name, its texture and its taste instantly. And you may even recall any past experiences, memories and emotions associated with the smell of that barbecue. All these things happen instantly. Crick suggested that the claustrum – a thin, sheet-like structure that lies hidden deep inside the brain – is perfectly suited for this job. Well, 10 years later, in a 2014 study, scientists at George Washington University in Washington, DC were trying to manage a patient’s epileptic seizures. After trying many different treatments unsuccessfully, they tried a long shot. They put a probe near this woman’s claustrum. When they stimulated it, the woman’s consciousness seemed to completely turn off. She stopped reading and stared blankly into space, she didn’t respond to auditory or visual commands and her breathing slowed. This was not like being in a coma or going to sleep. She just simply stared into space, with seemingly no perception of the world around her. Almost as if a switch had been turned off. As soon as the stimulation stopped, she immediately regained consciousness but had no memory of the event. The claustrum may be like the light switch in your house. It can turn consciousness on or off by the flick of a switch. If consciousness can be controlled by a physical object in the brain, this is compelling evidence that our consciousness does not exist outside of the brain, but rather within it. And not only within it, but also located in a very specific spot in the brain. This seems to indicate that our consciousness is not some kind of spooky spirit or force that resides in a realm independent of the brain cells that make it up. Unless further experiments prove otherwise, this evidence seems to indicate that, perhaps our consciousness can be understood. It is a manifestation of all our thoughts, sensory inputs, emotions and experiences compiled together with the help of an orchestra conductor called the claustrum. This realization of consciousness being something physical, however does not make it any less special. It is still remarkable. It just means that it is probably worldly, and not other-worldly. Citation: PDF of original research study on claustrum stimulation is located here:
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Liked on YouTube: The Great Journey of Voyagers 1 and 2!

The Great Journey of Voyagers 1 and 2!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but what do we do after we reach that thousandth mile? We answer this question today as we explore the fantastic and one of a kind journey of Voyagers 1 and 2! Subscribe for more videos: In the Greek epic the Odyssey, the lead character Odysseus took 10 gruesome years to finally make it home to Ithaca. And to make that more severe, he even had to endure a few more challenges once he and his crew got home. But we guarantee you, that story will be trumped by the stars of our show today: The Voyager mission probes. Ever since their launch in 1977, the two spacecraft have accomplished an amazing job of taking pictures of several points of interest in the Solar System, especially of the gas giants. And now, with all the strength and capability that these two bad boys have left, they continue their journey where no spacecraft have ever gone before: towards interstellar space. And just like all senior employees in a company, we honor these two outstanding testaments to human ingenuity by highlighting the greatest moments of their career. To adapt to the current trend in YouTube, why don’t we do it in a countdown fashion too? I don’t know about you, but that sounds like an amazing idea! So without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, the top five biggest accomplishments of the Voyager mission! Number 5: The Farthest Selfie of All of Humanity In the current age, everybody is getting crazy about taking selfies. Everyone tries to get creative by doing different kinds of poses, adding a lot of color and edits to the pictures, adding filters, just to make ourselves look at the very least presentable, and get approval from our social media friends through likes and hearts. No matter how beautiful our selfies get, I’m willing to bet that we could beat that with the picture that includes you, us and the rest of humanity. We know what you’re thinking: “I’ve never even met you, how can we have already had a selfie?” How about I let you find out yourself with a little mental jog? Say I have a lot of friends with me, like around 10. If we want to take a selfie with all of us, we have to take the camera phone farther so that the lens could capture all of us, right? Well, using that logic, we can capture all of humanity in one picture if we move our camera far enough. And that’s what exactly we have accomplished with Voyager 1 on Valentine’s Day in 1990. As the probe accomplishes its mission on Saturn -- which of course we will talk about more in gruesome detail later, don’t worry -- NASA sent a command to flip over the camera towards the side where the Earth is, and take the glorious photograph. Now, I know you may think “Aren’t you cheating? Yeah, technically everyone is in that photograph but it’s just a dot. Why is it so meaningful?” If you haven’t heard yet, Carl Sagan already answered that question in an astonishingly eloquent statement. One excerpt from that statement goes: “Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” I know you think that it’s not even an HD picture of Earth. It’s not even the first photo of the Blue Planet from space. Heck, you can’t even make out where Earth is in the Pale Blue Dot photo. But more than its features, what makes it extremely special, and worthy of counting as an accomplishment for our retiring Voyager 1, is the message it carries: we are nothing but a spec in this vast universe. Let the gravity of how profound that knowledge is slowly sink in. Ain’t all of that grand? Number 4: Carrying Mankind’s “Hello!” to the Universe Being millennials, I think a fact we can all agree with is how difficult introductions are, right? I mean, how do you even pick the proper words to say? How can people just make it seem so simple? But okay, say we’re completely okay about all of that introduction thing, what do we say first usually? #InsaneCuriosity #Voyager2 #Voyager1
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Liked on YouTube: Venus: Earth's Sister Planet

Venus: Earth's Sister Planet
The next planet from the Sun after Mercury is Venus. This planet is the most similar to Earth in terms of size and mass, but it wouldn't look and feel the same if you went for a visit. Incredible heat and pressure from the thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide, clouds of sulfuric acid, actually Venus looks more like the traditional conception of hell than anything else! And yet we named it after the Roman goddess of love. Isn't that sweet? Let's learn more about this terrifying world! Subscribe: This month's Mega Professor Pals: Saleh Saif Justin Bonds Sebastian Jo To see your name here, visit my Patreon page, linked above! Mathematics Tutorials: Classical Physics Tutorials: Modern Physics Tutorials: General Chemistry Tutorials: Organic Chemistry Tutorials: Biochemistry Tutorials: Biology Tutorials: American History Tutorials:
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Liked on YouTube: Spitzer Space Telescope History And Mission Overview!

Spitzer Space Telescope History And Mission Overview!
From its construction, to its mission, to the things it discovered and more! Join us as we tell you about the Spitzer Space Telescope History And Mission Overview! Subscribe for more videos: When it comes to space, there's only so much that we can learn from where we are on Earth. Thus, over the course of history, various astronomers have used things like telescopes to try and learn about the solar system, our galaxy, other galaxies, and the universe in general. But, even with the most powerful of telescopes they are not able to go and scan and learn everything they can. So, with the invention of satellites and probes, NASA and other agencies made space telescopes to go send into space to collect more data. And one of the most famous ones that was "retired" recently was that of the Spitzer Space Telescope. The Spitzer Space Telescope was the final mission in NASA's Great Observatories Program - a family of four space-based observatories, each observing the Universe in a different kind of light. The other missions in the program included the visible-light Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO), and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory (CXO). Spitzer specifically was an infrared space telescope launched in 2003 and retired on January 30th, 2020. Spitzer was designed to detect infrared radiation, which is primarily heat radiation. It is comprised of two major components: The Cryogenic Telescope Assembly, which contains the a 85 centimeter telescope and Spitzer's three scientific instruments. The Spacecraft, which controls the telescope, provides power to the instruments, handles the scientific data and communicates with Earth. It may seem like a contradiction, but NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope had to be simultaneously warm and cold to function properly. Everything in the Cryogenic Telescope Assembly must be cooled to only a few degrees above absolute zero (-459 degrees Fahrenheit, or -273 degrees Celsius). This is achieved with an onboard tank of liquid helium, or cryogen. Meanwhile, electronic equipment in The Spacecraft portion needed to operate near room temperature. Spitzer's highly sensitive instruments allowed scientists to peer into cosmic regions that are hidden from optical telescopes, including dusty stellar nurseries, the centers of galaxies, and newly forming planetary systems. Spitzer's infrared eyes also allowed astronomers to see cooler objects in space, like failed stars (brown dwarfs), extrasolar planets, giant molecular clouds, and organic molecules that may hold the secret to life on other planets. So as you can see, this was a very important mission, and one that actually went on a lot longer than it was originally intended to, much to the joy of those who studied its findings. You see, Spitzer was originally built to last for a minimum of 2.5 years, but it lasted in the cold phase for over 5.5 years. On May 15th, 2009 the coolant was finally depleted and the Spitzer "warm mission" began. Operating with 2 channels from one of its instruments called IRAC, Spitzer was able to continue to operate until the year 2020 when it was finally retired by NASA. Now, earlier we noted that the Spitzer had a set of three scientific instruments that would allow it to scan space. Let's detail those for you now. First, was the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)" An infrared camera which operates simultaneously on four wavelengths (3.6 μm, 4.5 μm, 5.8 μm and 8 μm). Each module uses a 256×256-pixel detector—the short-wavelength pair use indium antimonide technology, the long-wavelength pair use arsenic-doped silicon impurity band conduction technology. The principal investigator is Giovanni Fazio of Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; the flight hardware was built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Second on the Spitzer satellite was the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS): An infrared spectrometer with four sub-modules which operate at the wavelengths 5.3–14 μm (low resolution), 10–19.5 μm (high resolution), 14–40 μm (low resolution), and 19–37 μm (high resolution). Each module uses a 128×128-pixel detector—the short-wavelength pair use arsenic-doped silicon blocked impurity band technology, the long-wavelength pair use antimony-doped silicon blocked impurity band technology.[28] The principal investigator was James R. Houck of Cornell University; the flight hardware was built by Ball Aerospace. Finally, there was the Multiband Imaging Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS): Three detector arrays in the far-infrared (128 × 128 pixels at 24 μm, 32 × 32 pixels at 70 μm, 2 × 20 pixels at 160 μm). The 24 μm detector is identical to one of the IRS short-wavelength modules. #InsaneCuriosity#SpitzerSpaceTelescope #Spacetelescopes
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Thursday, 21 May 2020

Liked on YouTube: How Will Traffic Rules Work in Space

How Will Traffic Rules Work in Space
I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Rocko, Heffer, and Filburg watching Elsa crying over Anna

I don't own these clips. Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling belongs to Nickelodeon and Netflix. Frozen belongs to Disney.

Rocko, Heffer, and Filburg watching Shrek Roaring

I don't own these clips. Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling belongs to Nickelodeon and Netflix. Shrek Forever After belongs to Dreamworks.

Rocko, Heffer, and Filburg watching Toy Story 4

I don't own these clips. Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling belongs to Nickelodeon and Netflix. Toy Story 4 belongs to Pixar and Disney.

Liked on YouTube: Visualizing infinity. Is the universe infinite? the largest scales

Visualizing infinity. Is the universe infinite? the largest scales
Beautiful Science Video: Cary and Michael Huang Animation: Is the universe infinite? Visualizing infinity. This is part 2 of the Planck length video. if the Sun was the size of a Basketball, Proxima Centauri our nearest neighbor would be 4500 hundred miles away. And there are 10 sextillion such stars in the universe that is 1 followed by 22 zeros. And each one of them is approximately the same distance apart from each other as proxima centauri is from the sun. In fact, the universe is bigger than even what our most powerful telescopes can see. How big is the universe in terms of numbers? And in fact, could it be infinite? Is there any way we can even begin to visualize what infinity is? At 1 quadrillion meters, We will be passing by the Oort cloud which is thought be a spherical shell consisting of up to 2 trillion comets that surround the solar system. This spherical cloud starts about 1 trillion kilometers away from the sun and ends about 15 trillion km away from the sun. This also forms the outer boundary of our solar system, where the gravitational influence of the sun is minimal to non-existent. The Milky Way galaxy is about 106,000 light years across, or almost exactly 1 quintillion kilometers, containing up to 400 billion stars. There is nothing particularly remarkable about our galaxy. It is a typical spiral galaxy. There are billions of others like it in the universe. Our neighbor the Andromeda galaxy is larger, containing 1 trillion stars. When we go 1000 times larger than this, we begin to see the super structure of the universe which is made up of superclusters. We live in such a structure called the virgo superstructure. We reach the end of the visible universe at about the scale of 10^27 meters. The observable universe has a diameter of about 93 billion light years or 1 x 10^27 meters. The reason it is actually 93 billion light years across and not 13.8 billion light years is because the universe has been expanding for the entire 13.8 billion years, and due to the cosmic expansion. And we can calculate the universe is actully 46.5 billion light years from us by this time. So the diameter of the universe would be twice that, or 93 billion light years across. But we will actually never eventually see the light from that distance because in 1998, we discovered something dark energy, and learned that universe is not in a steady expansion, but rather an accelerating expansion, so that light will be receding from us at greater than the speed of light. But could it be though that what we see can see is a miniscule portion of a universe that is actually infinite? Well, the cosmic microwave background gives us a clue. It’s the leftover glow from the big bang. One of the things that this microwave background tells us is that the universe appears to be flat. How do we know this? Scientists look for what we would see if the universe was a certain shape. They look for the curvature of space. If space was not flat but positively curved like a 4 dimensional sphere, then we would expect to see multiple images of the same object in the sky because distant light rays would converge. In a positively curved universe, the angles would add up to greater than 180 degrees. Data from the WMAP as well as Planck spacecraft, however, indicates that the universe is flat, or nearly flat with an error of 0.4%. A flat universe would be an infinite universe. But if the error is taken into account, then it is possible that the universe could have a slightly positive curvatire. In that case it would be finite, but would have to have a radius at least 250 times larger than the part that we can see. This would be a minimum size of (250 x 46.5==11.6) 11.6 trillion light years in radius or about 23 trillion light years in diameter, instead of the 93 billion that we can see. This is huge, but would be much smaller than infinity. Infinity is a very large number. Imagine a very large number like a googol, the real googol, spelled differently than what you are used to seeing. This is 10^100 light years. That’s 1 following by 100 zeros. Or a googolplex which is 10^10^100 – that’s 10 to the google power. An extremely large number. Much larger than even the number of planck volumes that would fit inside the observable universe (4.7 x10^185 planck volumes could fit inside the universe). But infinity is much much larger than either of those numbers. #infinity #arvinash #infiniteuniverse What we do know for sure is that universe is much larger than the part we can observe. The problem is we only have access to the information contained our in our tiny 93 billion light year diameter bubble that we call the observable universe. We can only infer from what we can see.
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View from American Memorial Park, Saipan (September 22, 2024)(2)