Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Liked on YouTube: What Will Happen To Black Holes When Universe Ends?

What Will Happen To Black Holes When Universe Ends?
Black Holes are born from the death of a star. So, judging from the number of large stars we can count the number of total black holes. Scientists estimate that in our galaxy alone there are roughly 100 million black holes and most of them are stellar black holes. In the universe there are 2 trillion galaxies means there could be total ~100 Quintillion black holes. According to Stephen Hawking's theory, due to the quantum effects near event horizon black holes radiate the hawking radiation and get weaker with time. In 1 Vigintillion years from now, Black Holes that are 3 times massive than Sun will get radiated. Remaining massive Black Holes such as TON 618 will take 1 Googol years to radiate. Subscribe👉 Second Channel👉 Face Reveal: My Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:
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