Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Liked on YouTube: Elton John - I Want Love (Regular Show Music Video)

Elton John - I Want Love (Regular Show Music Video)
Recently the Internet has been talking about how Mordecai from Regular Show is a simp (which is a man that puts himself in a subservient/submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table). Obviously this refers to all the moments in Regular Show's history that Mordecai has relationship issues, either with Margaret or CJ or both. And as much as I love Regular Show, I was never crazy about those episodes that dealt with Mordecai's struggle to find a true love as it contains a lot of moments that are too depressing or too cringy to even look at. It's mostly depressing (in an ironic way) considering that Mordecai put so much dedication into winning Margaret and then CJ, only to end up with neither of them towards the end of the series (even though he remains close friends with Margaret). But he tries too hard to establish a relationship with a girl and ends up making a complete fool out of himself (or in the show's terms, "Pulls a Mordecai"). Hell, the dude even hijacked Muscle Man's wedding just to make it all about himself. And let's not forget about the moment in Season 2 where he literally killed Rigby because he was trying to get Margaret to go out with him when Rigby got two tickets to see a movie with Mordecai. Honestly, though, while I do agree that Mordecai wasn't being as mature as we all thought he was when we were kids, I'd have to say that I feel bad for him. The dude had a hard time finding love.....that is, until he ends up marrying some random-ass bat lady that no one even knows about. Nevertheless, I was inspired to make a music video about Mordo's relationship issues. Why did I choose the song "I Want Love" by Elton John? Well, last Sunday, I first saw the music video for that song that stars Tony Stark himself, Robert Downey Jr. (who was lip-syncing the song to Elton's vocals). It made me feel like crying not just because of how depressing it kinda sounded, but especially knowing about how downhill Robert's career was at that time. But I also realized that it fits extremely well with all those "Mordecai simp" moments and describes Mordecai himself well, too. Now all that I want in this life is for Robert Downey Jr. to actually sing "I Want Love", since he can actually sing (and sing very damn well, I might say). Enjoy! Subscribe for more randomness: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClrdGCY-dZuNtp2GlAqIQuw) New to Baby Lamb Creations? Check out these playlists: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClrdGCY-dZuNtp2GlAqIQuw/playlists?sort=dd&shelf_id=0&view=1) ✭ SOCIAL MEDIA ✭ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BabyLamb5 DeviantArt: https://ift.tt/2NhwkMW No videos were made to intentionally offend anyone. They're meant to be taken as a joke, meme, satire, etc. All my videos are made with iMovie. Any clips from TV shows, movies, cartoons, songs, etc. are not owned by me.
via YouTube https://youtu.be/3-3zq-oi-Dc

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