Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Liked on YouTube: Is There Proof The Earth Is Round?

Is There Proof The Earth Is Round?
Have you been asked to research the flat earth? Is there proof which you can do to see if the Earth is round? Recently, I have been getting a lot of comments on my channel from flat earthers saying the Earth can't be round. This got me wondering how exactly we know the Earth is round, excluding space agencies imagery. The result is this video. In my mind's eye this is conclusive proof. I really tried to do this from an unbiased perspective as I didn't want to bash on any group of people. I spent a long time researching and producing this so I hope you liked it! SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other space related things. Subscribe! Facebook! G+ Twitter DONATE - Patreon All credit for the images go to: NASA ESO Space Engine Thierry Legault Naked Eye Planets Ralf Vandebergh Dwayne Kellum Dean Rowe Music credit: Jason Shaw - Namaste
via YouTube

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View from American Memorial Park, Saipan (September 22, 2024)(2)