Monday, 2 March 2020

Liked on YouTube: Solar System: How Long Could You Survive on Each Planet?

Solar System: How Long Could You Survive on Each Planet?
There are 9 planets in our solar system right now. But we only live on one of them, and aim to expand to another soon, but what of the others? Could we live on them? Join us as we explore how long you'd survive on the other planets. How is the weather? ( climate) 9. Mercury Let's go first to last in regards to the planets, shall we? If we do, we end up on Mercury first! And...yeah, this is definitely a place that you don't want to live on for various reasons. Not only is the planet that is closest to the sun, which leaves it open to things like solar flares and certain kinds of energy bursts, but it's one that has a very bad habit of being a planet of extremes. You might have heard the phrase "tidally locked" when talking about Mercury. This is the concept that the planet honestly doesn't rotate around like most planets do. Instead, it has such an orbit with the sun that it stays in one place and just moves around the sun while not shifting. 8. Venus Once upon a time, many people felt that it would be Venus that would be the planet that we could live on next. There are even short fictional stories about astronauts who lived on Venus, talking about their experiences on it, likely to inspire us to try and go there and see if the stories would be true. And there are a few things to like about Venus, including that it does have a surface for us to touchdown on, it's not too much smaller than Earth, and even though it's closer to the sun, the atmosphere is thick enough to shield us from most issues of the closer range. But... ...Venus is a "no-go" for now because of a very simple reason: The Greenhouse Effect. This is when certain gasses get trapped in the atmosphere of the planet in such a way that it causes all sorts of problems. 7. Earth I know what you might be thinking, "Why are we talking about Earth? We already know how long we can survive on here!" But do you? Do you really? If you think about it, Earth is actually the most dangerous planet on our solar system. Not because it's too hot like Mercury or Venus, or it has dangerous gasses like Jupiter and Saturn, or is too cold like Pluto, but because there is so much on's easy to die a lot of ways. 6. Mars When it comes to Mars, you could argue that this is the planet that has the most people's attention (aside from those who are trying to save the Earth in various ways, just saying). Mainly because the desire to colonize Mars has never been stronger. There are numerous agencies including NASA and SpaceX who are trying to get their various plans in order so that they can go and land on the planet. Which is good, but, as I'm sure you know, there are a lot of obstacles in the way of full colonization, and if they were to just land on it they wouldn't last very long. 5. Jupiter As we move past Mars, we now head into a rather unique sequence of planets known as the "Gas Giants". The biggest of which is of course, Jupiter. Which make this a rather difficult planet to talk about because the very notion of "touching" the planet would be an instant end to anyone. How does that work? Well, believe it or not, it's NOT because of the various gasses that make the planet up, or even the gravity that keeps it all together. 4. Saturn Arguably the most beautiful planet (outside of Earth), Saturn is also a gas giant, and like Jupiter, has a LOT of things that could end us in the very not so nice way. Such as the pressure that would likely end you within a second, or the gasses that can choke the life out of you, not nice things to think about. However, there is a caveat, for while we may not be able to live on the planet, we could live on one of its many moons. One of which, Titan.. 3. Uranus Yes, I'm asking if you would want to live in Uranus, why are you laughing at that question? Ok, I KNOW why you're laughing at that question, I'm kidding. But let's seriously talk about the potential of living on the planet Uranus. Needless to say, this isn't an optimal place for us to live. Even if it wasn't on its side. one of the biggest problems with this planet is that it's cold. Like REALLY cold. 2. Neptune In many ways, Neptune is just like Uranus (no jokes please), they both have an atmosphere that is mostly comprised of Methane, which means we can't breathe in it, its temperatures are freezing cold, well beyond most spacesuits can handle. out into space and towards Earth. So...why would we want to live there? 1. Pluto Yes, Pluto! The planet that still exists despite science saying it's not there!!! *ahem* In regards to Pluto, it has one of the biggest problems in terms of living there, distance. It's the farther planet away from the sun. However, unlike its closest planetary neighbors, it's actually..
via YouTube

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