Thursday, 30 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: The Science Of Why 5G Is (Almost) Certainly Safe For Humans!
The Science Of Why 5G Is (Almost) Certainly Safe For Humans!
From what 5G really is, to what it really means, and whether it's really something that we should be tinkering with if it could indeed endanger human lives. Join us as explore The Science Of Why 5G Is (Almost) Certainly Safe For Humans! Subscribe for more videos: Ok, so there's little doubt that between commercials, advertisements, and more, you've heard about 5G in some way shape or form. And to the casual technology buff you'd likely think that it's just an "improvement" on the current system (which is 4G or 4G LTE) and that it can only make things better for you, right? And you would be mostly right in that effect. It won't be an immediate change, but rather, a gradual one that takes place over a set of years. Just as 4G networks are able to provide mobile internet speeds hundreds of times faster than 3G — enabling users worldwide to stream HD TV, browse webpages quickly, and even make high-quality video calls (as well as a host of other things like streaming, editing various projects and more) — the advent of 5G will enable speeds of up to 100 Gigabits per second: up to 100 times faster than 4G. That's BLAZING fast speeds, for real. With each new generation of WiFi that comes out, a new wave of fear-mongering health claims emerges. They always come along with the same arguments: 1. Humans have never been exposed to this much of this type of radiation before, which is technically true. 2. Scientists have not demonstrated that the proposed new infrastructure won't be harmful to humans, which is also true in a way, but not in the one you're expecting. 3. The World Health Organization has already declared radio-frequency (WiFi) radiation to be "possibly cancerous," which is a bit tricky to talk about in and of itself. And 4. We should declare a moratorium on this technology until its safety has been established. All of these complaints are fairly reasonable, and even logical. Especially given that the World Health Organization is one of the people asking for caution in this matter. And unlike certain world leaders, most people on the "ground floor" respect the views of the WHO. So it makes you wonder if these people complaining about 5G...kind of have a point. Fortunately for all of us, science already tells us that 5G almost certainly poses no danger to humans. Unless you value unfounded conspiracies over bona fide science, which I'm sure some of you out there are all about, no judgments here. Still, science does show that 5G is going to be safe as long as it's used in the same way that 3G and 4G have been used in the past. To truly understand the science and fears behind 5G, you have to understand the basics of the electromagnetic spectrum. While you're typically only aware of your interactions with optical (visible) and infrared (heat) radiation, there's much more that's constantly interacting with your body. There are lower-energy signals such as microwaves, with wavelength between a millimeter and a meter, bombard us constantly here on Earth. Microwave radiation includes a mix of natural signals like atmospheric molecules, astronomical signals, and even the leftover glow from the Big Bang, coupled with human-made radio, radar, satellite, bluetooth, GPS and broadband signals. You might even recall science class where it's noted that one of the reasons we're able to live here on Earth is that the radiation from the sun is reflected, absorbed, or only reaches the ground in partial form because of the atmosphere and magnetosphere that surround the planet. Because of them, we only get partial bursts of radiation from things like the sun. But, of course, if you stay out too long in the hot sun, you get a sunburn because of radiation. Always use sunblock. The point is, radiation is everywhere even when you don't realize it. also includes all WiFi signals, including 3G, 4G and 5G. Before we dive even deeper into the sciences of 5G, be sure to like or dislike the video so that we can continue to make the channel better and make the best possible videos for you the viewer! Also be sure to subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss ANY of our weekly videos. Amidst the menagerie of signals and radiation bursts are things that aren't detectible in various ways, things like ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray light. #InsaneCuriosity #WhatIs5g #Is5gSafe #RecentSpaceDiscoveries
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Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: Bob Lazar: Area 51, Element 115 Alien Gravity Propulsion - Could it work? Fluxliner
Bob Lazar: Area 51, Element 115 Alien Gravity Propulsion - Could it work? Fluxliner
Bob Lazar and area 51. Element 115. Could the fluxliner or alien gravity propulsion system work? In a 2018 Netflix documentary, Bob Lazar claims to be a physicist who worked for a very secret site called S-4, near Area 51. His job was to reverse-engineer alien UFO propulsion technology. He claims that not only are there an alien space craft there, but that these crafts are from the Zeta Reticuli star system, and can bend and fold space time in order to propel themselves to anywhere in the universe without the need to travel near the speed of light. In this video I examine if he is orchestrating an elaborate hoax, or whether the alien technology is scientifically plausible. A lot of people don’t know that Area 51 was not that well known until Bob Lazar made some bold claims about aliens and alien crafts being stored there back 30 years ago in 1989. In the Netflix documentary, Mr. Lazar outlines how the space folding engines on these space crafts are set up. Incredible claims like folding space require incredible evidence. There’s no physical evidence to speak of, but there is his eye witness report. In the documentary, he describes the physical set up of the engines, but what the documentary did not show is his description of how the alien engines works. Here is how Mr. Lazar described the alien propulsion system: “ (it generates)…an intense gravitational field and using that field to distort space/time, bringing the destination to the source, and allowing you to cross many light years of space in little time and without traveling in a linear mode near the speed of light.” Distorting space/time is not a big deal. All matter distorts space and time. That’s what gravity is. What Mr. Lazar I think is alluding to is the idea of creating a wormhole in space to go instantly from one location to another. The problem is that in order to create a wormhole this size, according to everything we know requires an enormous amount of energy. I mean the energy created if the entire mass of the earth was turned completely into energy. But according to Mr. Lazar, the “fuel” for this spaceship comes from a few hundred pounds of element 115. A few hundred pounds of any matter would not come anywhere close to creating the amount of energy needed for this. The other inconvenience with creating a worm hole is that everything would be sucked into the wormhole, not just the space ship, but also all the air, the buildings nearby, the trees, the grass, the city. Probably half of Nevada. Mr. Lazar claimed that element 115 serves not only as a generator of the Gravity A wave, but also as the fuel for the matter/antimatter reactor that powers the rest of the saucer. He says: “…Element 115 is bombarded with a proton, which plugs into the nucleus of the 115 atom and becomes 116, which immediately decays and releases a small amount of antimatter. “antimatter and matter collide and annihilate totally converting to energy” What is antimatter? antimatter is just like matter except with the opposite charge. So an antiproton is a proton with a negative charge instead of a positive charge. The problem is, how do you get antimatter like an antiproton? These things are not floating around inside elements like element 115, that can simply be dislodged by hitting it with a proton, as Mr. Lazar seems to be saying. The only way to get antimatter is to convert energy to get a proton/antiproton pair. How much energy would this take? It would take exactly the same amount of energy to create a proton/antiproton pair as the energy you would get out by colliding the proton and antiproton together. This means that this engine on the spacecraft would create no net new energy! A lot of people give credence to Mr. Lazar because he supposedly talked about element 115 back in 1989, well before it was discovered. Element 115 was actually synthesized by the Russians in 2003 and is now known on the periodic table as Muscovium. So, people say, how could he have known about element 115? in order to predict elements that haven’t been discovered yet, all you have to do is look at the periodic table. Naturally occurring elements stop at element 92 – Uranium. Everything heavier than Uranium is synthesized in a lab. So over time for example, Neptunium, Plutonium, etc. were synthesized as soon as we had the technology to do it. Currently, elements up to 118 have been synthesized. It doesn’t take a genius to predict what elements will be synthesized next. I’ll make a prediction for you, an element 120 exists. What about Mr. Lazar's educational background? He says that he has advanced degrees from MIT and Cal Tech. The problem is neither of these schools have a record of Mr. Lazar. Ufolologist, Stanton Friedman says, “(Mr. Lazar) was asked to name some of his profs, He could not name them. Is Mr. Lazar a fraud? You decide #boblazar
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Liked on YouTube: Where did the Big Bang originate?
Where did the Big Bang originate?
Where is the centre of the universe? Where do astronomers look in space to see where the Big Bang originated? Go to to get a free trial and 10% off your first purchase. SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other planets. Subscribe! Facebook! Twitter! Donate! Patreon: Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support my channel! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Thanks to those who have supported so far! Image Credits: NASA/ESO/Standford/Chicago Find the excellent research by Ralf Kaehler, Tom Abel, Oliver Hahn at Stanford University which produced some of the simulations you saw in the video here: And the evolution of the universe research by the University of Chicago here: Music Credits: Stellardrone - Billions and Billions Stellardrone - Ultra Deep Field
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Liked on YouTube: Full History of Earth in 10 Minutes
Full History of Earth in 10 Minutes
I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Liked on YouTube: What If You Jumped Into Saturn's Rings?
What If You Jumped Into Saturn's Rings?
Since its discovery in 1610 by Galileo, the rings of Saturn have enchanted us for centuries. Remarkably, we've visited Saturn before. Stunning photographs taken from the Cassini space probe have revealed that Saturn's rings are much more complex than you might think. So what would it be like to actually go in person? How long would it take you to travel to Saturn? What would you see along the way? Could you survive in Saturn's rings? Subscribe to the What If Discussed podcast: Listen to the world’s top thinkers in science, astronomy, technology, academia and futurism pondering your most popular “what if” questions. Check out our second channel called "How to Survive": Join our Patreon community and help make What If better: Can you translate this episode into another language? Add subtitles and we will link your YouTube channel in the description: Watch more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: The Cosmos: Technology: Your Body: Humanity: T-shirts and merch: Suggest an episode (detailed): Newsletter: Feedback and inquiries: What If elsewhere: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: What If in Spanish: What If in Mandarin: Thank you to our loyal patrons: Gabe Steve H. What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way. Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto:
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Liked on YouTube: What would aliens look like? How Intelligent Extraterrestrials might evolve
What would aliens look like? How Intelligent Extraterrestrials might evolve
Get MagellanTV here: and get an exclusive offer for our viewers: an extra month FREE. MagellanTV has the largest and best collection of Science content anywhere, including Space, Physics, Technology, Nature, Mind and Body, and a growing collection of 4K. This new streaming service has 2,000+ great documentaries. Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: Biblaridian Channel: What would aliens actually look like? Realistic extraterrestrials. Alien life is probably common in the universe. But by alien life, I mean life like bacteria other one-celled creatures. Complex intelligent life like mammals is probably exceptionally rare. But whenever you see alien creatures in the movies, they look like humans humans. This would be nearly impossible. This is a reason to be highly suspect of any alien visitations. The raw ingredients available to all planets are the most common elements in the universe: Hydrogen, helium, oxygen, Neon, nitrogen, carbon, silicon. Our solar system is made of the same elements. But the key element to life is Carbon. Carbon is the backbone of every known biological molecule. Carbon can form 4 bonds with other atoms simultaneously. This makes it well suited for long chains of molecules that serve life, such as DNA. Why can’t alien life be based on silicon? The complexity required for organic chemistry with silicon is not there. All life uses Liquid water as a solvent, and Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) to store and release energy. Water is the most abundant compound in the universe. It's a good bet tthat intelligent alien creatures on other planets are also based on water. There is a critical distance from a star where a planet is not so hot such as mercury, but also not too far like Jupiter where it is so cold that water freezes. Earth happens to be at this ideal zone. So let’s look at what intelligent life that evolves on an earth size planet in the habitable zone of sun-like star, based on carbon chemistry and water would be like. There is one thing that is nearly certain: an alien life form will be symmetrical. Intelligent life would need to be able to build tools. This would require limbs or digits of some sort to hold and manipulate objects. They would require some way of recognizing their environment – sensory mechanisms - the analogs of eyes, ears, noses. Eyes seem to have evolved a few times separately on earth, so something like eyes may be a universal trait. But alien "eyes" would have evolved for the peak electromagnetic spectrum of their own star. it appears crucial for a species to cooperate and communicate in some kind of language. So they'd need to do this somehow, not necessarily by sound, like us with our mouths and ears. They could use other methods. Do they live in a sea, In the clouds, or on land? There is no complex life that lives permanently in the atmosphere. And most intelligent species on earth happen to be on land, instead of the sea. According to physics professor Bernard Bates at the University of Puget Sound, Aliens with advanced technology would have to be on land because technology needs fire to kick-start it. Regarding oceans, there is very little light beyond 200 meters in the ocean. So the energy that ocean creatures have to work with is less than the energy available on land. This makes it hard for larger complex creatures to evolve. If aliens live on land, they would also need some means of locomotion – mammal legs and insect legs evolved separately, so aliens would likely have legs of some sort. Predators on earth mostly appear to have legs for fast running. So the legs would likely be segmented like ours for more efficient running. Whether it is two or 4 or more is hard to say. Natural selection on their planet would probably weed out inefficient body plans. Dr Yael Kisel, scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center believes that most life in the universe as a whole is likely to be microbial. It is not clear whether intelligence is an evolutionary imperative. It is possible that the energy required to maintain a large brain is not evolutionarily advantageous vs. having larger teeth or higher speed. #aliens #extraterrestrials #arvinash But given the vast number of planets in the universe, it seems that even if our intelligence is an accident, we should still have company - intelligent neighbors somewhere, but they are likely to be so far away, that we may never encounter them.
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Liked on YouTube: I was finally debunked by a flat earther
I was finally debunked by a flat earther
Here are the videos i referenced krafty keelah wolfie6020 Blue marble science history revisited
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Liked on YouTube: What If Gravity Suddenly Disappears?
What If Gravity Suddenly Disappears?
I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: What Would Standing on Asteroids Feel Like?
What Would Standing on Asteroids Feel Like?
What would it be like to stand on small and big asteroids in the Solar System? Watch the video to find out. Music: DL Sounds - Mercury
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Liked on YouTube: What Will the Sun Look Like From Venus And Other Planets?
What Will the Sun Look Like From Venus And Other Planets?
I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Liked on YouTube: Oumuamua Origin Story: How Our Mysterious Interstellar Visitor May Have Been Born!
Oumuamua Origin Story: How Our Mysterious Interstellar Visitor May Have Been Born!
From what it seems to be, to the different theories and new theories about its origins, and more! Join me as we explore hte Oumuamua origin story, and how our mysterious interstellar visitor may have been born! Subscribe for more videos: So I'm sure your first question is, "What is a Oumuamua?" Well, it's technically the universes first interstellar object. One that was found in 2017 by scientists. What does "interstellar object" mean exactly? That would be an object that is flying through space yet isn't tied to the gravity or pull of a star or other object. So basically, it's something that is hurtling through space on its own without anyone's help. Unlike things like comets and asteroids which are given direction and form via things like collisions and planetary gravity. This is why Oumuamua is so special in the eyes of scientists, because at points in their research on it, they found that Oumuamua was actually going faster and faster as it traveled through space...even though it wasn't passing through anything or by anything that would allow it to do that. Technically speaking, there are other objects in the universe that move around like Oumuamua, but because of the oddity of the object, as well as the fact that it's over 3000 feet in length, there are many people who feel that this isn't some kind of random space object. Instead...they think it's an alien craft! No, really, people honestly felt that this was an alien craft of some kind, to the extent that there was heavy research into thinking about what it would mean if it was an alien craft. But, then, a study that came out in 2019 all but proved that this was a comet, albeit an irregular. One, even going so far as to state how it gets extra propulsion via its movements and gasses that are emitted. “The [study’s] overall reasoning seems sounds, and the results are a really good match to the observed characteristics of ‘Oumuamua,” Marco Micheli, a scientist at the European Space Agency told Scientific American. But others still aren’t convinced that Oumuamua is a comet. “It does not look like at least 99.999 percent of the solar system’s comets,” Avi Loeb, astrophysicist at Harvard University, also told Scientific American. Loeb is also one of the scientists who thinks ‘Oumuamua might be an alien artifact. This would hardly be the first time that people think that an object from space is an alien craft or device of some kind. But, it would be the first time that it happened in the modern era to such a degree. Either way, people have been studying Oumuamua for a very long time, and through some studies, a new theory has been born as to how this thing might have been born. According to some, they feel it is probably a fragment of a larger body that was torn apart by gravitational forces during a close flyby of its native star, a new study suggests. If you're not sure what that means, think of it like a giant asteroid flew through space, and then it got caught partially in the gravity of a star. The gravity well pulled out chunks of rock from this asteroid, and boom, Oumuamua was born. Or at least, that's what the theory states. This "tidal fragmentation scenario not only provides a way to form one single 'Oumuamua but also accounts for the vast population of asteroid-like interstellar objects," lead author Yun Zhang, of the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said in a statement. So, overall, does this theory work? Technically, yes. We know that asteroids or massive entities of rock, earth or stone in space are the cause of many things like meteors and meteorites and even comets at times. Them colliding with each other is a big reason why space is full of space junk, as well as why planets like Mars have been pelted with collisions over the years. So the notion that Oumuamua came from one of these massive rocks is not only logical, it's plausible. The hypothesis explains 'Oumuamua's weirdness as well, according to Zhang and study co-author Douglas Lin, an astronomer at the University of California, Santa Cruz. That weirdness is extreme and multilayered. For example, 'Oumuamua is highly elongated, like a big space cigar (and may be somewhat flattened as well). Astronomers had never before seen a cosmic object with that shape. Granted, that honestly is because we've only seen a small fragment of comets, asteroids, meteors and such in space. So there's no way to know just how many shapes of them are out there. But this one is definitely visual, and funny if you think about it. #InsaneCuriosity #Oumuamua #RecentSpaceDiscoveries
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Liked on YouTube: What Lies Beneath The Clouds Of Titan? (4K UHD)
What Lies Beneath The Clouds Of Titan? (4K UHD)
I'm on PATREON! You can help support my channel and gain added perks! Join the community and become a V101 member or Patron today - **REMEMBER TO SUBSCRIBE FOR MUCH MORE TO COME** By using different techniques, scientists have been able to look beneath the clouds of Titan, giving them a glimpse of the mysterious moon's surface. So what did they discover? Subscribe - Facebook - Instagram - Music attribution - "Lightscape" by Simon Wilkinson at (Purchased License) "Outer field static" by Simon Wilkinson at (Purchased License)
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Liked on YouTube: Weirdest known planets in the Universe
Weirdest known planets in the Universe
In this video, we present a list of 8 planets- the strangest planets in the Universe that we know of! Video clips & Images by: 1. ESA/Hubble (M. Kornmesser & L. L. Christensen) Link 👉 2. NASA, ESA, M. Kornmesser Link 👉 3. JohnVanVliet / Wikimedia Commons Link 👉 4. NASA/ JPL 5. Tiouraren / Wikimedia Commons Link 👉 6. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center 7. Music: 'Awaken' by Whitesand Link- ◉ Facebook: ◉ Twitter: ◉ Instagram: (@martynas_lau) Narrator: Ridwan Zaman Follow him 👉 Video produced by Astrogeekz We're on Facebook: We're on Instagram: Support us on Patreon.
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Liked on YouTube: Ray Kurzweil, The Technological Singularity And The Future Of Humanity!
Ray Kurzweil, The Technological Singularity And The Future Of Humanity!
Subscribe for more videos: From the immediate future, to what we'll have in the next few decades, and how the Earth will never be the same, join me as we explore the notions of Ray Kurzweil, The technological singularity and the future of humanity! If you were to look at the world at its current state, with the epidemic going through every country it seems, businesses shutting down and various economies taking serious hits, the last thing you'd be thinking about is the future a few years from now. That's totally understandable as we're not even sure where we're going to be a few months from now. But as with all great diseases and plagues, this too shall pass, and the future will continue on as scheduled. The 2020's are aiming to be an important decade for humanity as a whole whether we want to admit it or not. NASA and SpaceX are aiming to take us back to the moon and get us to colonize Mars after decades of wondering if it was honestly possible. There will no doubt be major advancements in technology that will help propel us forward, and various new leadership could help steer the path of humanity for many years and decades to come. But in truth, let us ask ourselves, what is the true future of humanity? And who can we turn to in order to get a glimpse of what's to come? That would be none other than Ray Kurzweil, an inventor and futurist who not only believes in the power of humanity, but believes in a very beautiful and technologically vibrant system that humanity is slowly building itself toward. But why should we trust this guy? Why is it that Ray Kurzweil is an "expert" on something that hasn't even happened yet. To put it simply...he's gotten a lot right over the years. Ray is renowned for his predictions on technological and social advancement. He said he’s made 147 predictions in the age of machines, and according to him, “86% were correct to the year.” Heck, even if he was just 50% right, that would be a staggering number, and it's not just his bravado saying he was right, we have facts that can prove it. In 1990, he famously predicted that computers would beat the best human chess players “by the year 2000.” And in May of 1997, World Champion Garry Kasparov was defeated by IBM’s Deep Blue computer in a chess tournament. Kurzweil also foresaw the explosive growth in the Internet at a time when there were only 2.6 million Internet users in the world. Now, the internet is one of the most important things in the history of the world, used by many countries all over the world and is vital for various people doing their jobs, as well as helping make jobs easier. He also predicted the role of computers in classrooms, speech-to-text software and many other technological developments that have come to pass. In short, he's predicted a lot, and if he has notions about the future, it's a pretty good chance that at least SOME of these predictions are going to come true, and as we get closer to the year 2050, where a a lot of "technological advances" are said to be in full effect, you have to wonder how Ray will see things working out. So let's look at some of these predictions and break down the likelihood of them happening, shall we? He’s optimistic about renewable energy for example. According to his studies, the rise of renewable energy is seeing exponential growth, doubling every 4 years which would be quite a feat if true. “In 2030 we will have [total] renewable energy, and it will be inexpensive,” he predicts. This particular prediction is one that many people would LOVE to see come true, and for all the right reasons. Whether or not you believe in Global Warming, you can't deny that fossil fuels are harming the planet in various ways. Many people have been trying to get renewable energy as the many provider of the worlds source of power for many years now, but various leaders and industries have been resistant because of the money they are set to lose from the lesser amounts of oil and fossil fuels that will be used over time. The irony of it all though is that there are ways right now that can make this prediction come true, mainly, solar power. Solar panels have been used for many years now, and with each new version they become more efficient to use and more reliable. Many have speculated that if you were to line certain areas of deserts all over the world with solar panels, you'd be able to power the planet. Plus, there are places that have houses that are indeed powered by these panels and their bills for said power cost much less than those who use electricity via fossil fuels. All it takes is one person to make this the priority and this could indeed be our future by 2030, and that would be a very good and clean future to have. #InsaneCuriosity#RecentSpaceDiscoveries
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Liked on YouTube: Hawking Radiation: How black holes evaporate and Explode! Explained.
Hawking Radiation: How black holes evaporate and Explode! Explained.
Hawking radiation,Black-Hole Evaporation and black hole explosions! Stephen Hawking theorized that a black hole may not be so black. He showed that when you apply the laws of quantum mechanics to classical physics, you find that they shine. They give off photons. How is this possible given that nothing escapes from black holes? In classical physics, the mass of a black hole cannot decrease, it can either stay the same or increase. To Stephen Hawking and others, this idea looked similar to the 2nd law of thermodynamics which is, “In any natural process, the entropy of a closed system always increases or remains constant, it never decreases.” Similar to the 2nd law, there are also ways to state the other 3 laws of thermodynamics such that they are true for black holes as well. In 1972, physicist Jocob Bekenstein, proposed that the surface area of a black hole is its entropy. The larger a black hole is, the more stuff it has consumed. Since everything it consumes has information, the greater the entropy of the system. Why? Because the more disordered a system is, the more information is required to describe it. The analogy with thermodynamics suggest that black holes are a thermal body. In thermodynamics, there is something called a black body, which doesn’t transmit or reflect any radiation, it only absorbs it. A black hole, too, is something doesn’t transmit or reflect any radiation. If a black hole can be thought of as a black body, then it must have a temperature, because all black bodies have a temperature, which means it must shine. When Hawking saw these ideas, he found the idea of shining black holes to be preposterous. He set out to prove why they would NOT shine. But when he applied the laws of quantum mechanics to general relativity, he realized the opposite. In 1974, he published a paper outlining a mechanism for this shine. All of space is teaming with virtual particles that come in and out of existence all the time. This is based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. One version of this can be written as the following: Delta-E*Delta-t ~= h/4*pi. This equation says is that the uncertainty in energy and uncertainty in time are inversely proportional to each other. But it also means that you can get particles with an energy, if it occurs for a very short period of time, or particles can exist that violate this uncertainty principle. Particle/antiparticle pairs borrow temporary energy from the present, and give it right back in the future by annihilating themselves. This occurs over a shorter time than can be measured. Can we measure this? It manifests as a force in something called the Casimir effect, in which the quantum foam outside a set of two plates is greater than the pressure inside the plates, and this creates a force pushing the plates together. As particle-antiparticle pairs get created near the event horizon, one particle can get sucked into the black hole and another is released before the two can annihilate each other. This is what we perceive as Hawking radiation. From our perspective outside the black hole, the particle we got is positive, but this means that the black hole got negative energy. In other words it lost energy. This is the same thing as the black hole losing mass. #hawkingradiation #stephenhawking The biggest problem with this explanation is that the radiation from black holes is not in all wavelengths, as would be expected with this mechanism. The radiation actually has a wavelength equal to the size of the black hole. So smaller black holes emit shorter wavelengths, or more energy, than larger black holes. The better explanation is that waves coming in from infinity and being disrupted because of the black hole event horizon, as it is forming. Certain vibrations of waves are deflected by the gravitational field of the black hole as it forms in the past. The waves entering the event horizon are disrupted in a way that the wave on the other side, carried away energies corresponding to the size of the black hole. This corresponds to an energy spectrum analogous to a black body at a certain temperature. So this is why Black holes radiate. Can we measure it? Probably not, but one prediction is made. As the black hole evaporates over time, the temperature rises, and the evaporation rate goes to infinity. This would be seen as a burst of high energy photons or gamma rays. So do we detect Gamma Ray bursts? We do - about one gamma ray bursts per day. But the pattern of gamma rays do not fit with what we would expect to see in a black hole explosion. What we see are bursts with variations in brightness, from bright to dim to bright again. The black hole evaporation should look like a steady increase in luminosity until a final explosion. But despite the lack of evidence, Hawking Radiation perfectly fits within the laws of quantum mechanics, and few physicist dispute its existence.
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Monday, 27 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: Sending Life from Earth to Other Planets and Moons
Sending Life from Earth to Other Planets and Moons
What would happened if we were to send toughest of our life forms from earth to for example Mars, or any other moon or planet? Watch the video to find out. Song: Kevin MacLeod - Metaphysik
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Liked on YouTube: How Close Can a Black Hole Be to Earth?
How Close Can a Black Hole Be to Earth?
Click on to receive unlimited access for one week to try it out. You’ll also get 25% off if you want the full membership! I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Liked on YouTube: What If All Black Holes in the Universe Collided?
What If All Black Holes in the Universe Collided?
I have a NEW channel ► "Meet, Arnold!" - If you like this video - put Thumb Up button (please) and Subscribe to Ridddle channel. We will make this universe smarter together! Okay, okay. I got to go..... See You Soooooooooooooooon dudes ;)
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Liked on YouTube: Exoplanet TOI-849b Might Be A Gas Giant That Lost Its Gas
Exoplanet TOI-849b Might Be A Gas Giant That Lost Its Gas
From what the planet is, to how it could change how we view planets, and more! Join me as we explore Exoplanet TOI-849b and how it might be a gas giant that's lost its gas! Subscribe for more videos: I want you to picture the two kinds of planets that we know about in the universe. Solid rock-like planets, and then gas giants. You know that both of them have cores, right? One is molten (or so we believe we can't actually prove this without samples) and one is believed to be a compressed gas core. But, as noted, it's really hard to prove these without actually going to the core and seeing it for ourselves. That is...until potentially right now, for one of these types of planets anyways. A distant world about 40 times more massive than Earth may be the remnant core of a giant planet, or a giant planet in the making whose growth stalled, a new study reports. These findings may help shed light on what the mysterious cores of giant planets look like, researchers said. Which would obviously be a BIG step towards not just researching planets, but understanding how they form, how they continue to live, and of course, what happens when they die. Scientists investigated the exoplanet TOI-849b, which NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) first detected in 2018 and whose existence the La Silla Observatory in Chile later helped confirm. This alien world orbits the sunlike star TOI-849 about 730 light-years from Earth. With a mass about 40 times that of Earth, TOI-849b is nearly half as massive as Saturn. At the same time, data from the Paranal Observatory in Chile and the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope helped reveal that the exoplanet has a diameter about 3.45 times that of Earth, comparable to Neptune's. Altogether, this information suggests the exoplanet has a density similar to Earth's, making it the densest Neptune-size planet discovered to date. Which is quite a feat given all the planets that have been discovered in recent years from various telescopes, satellites, probes, and more. TOI-849b circles its star in a fast, tight orbit just 18.4 hours long. This brings it scorchingly close to its star at a distance of just 1.5% of an astronomical unit (AU), the average distance between Earth and the sun (which is about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers). The newfound exoplanet therefore lies in the middle of the so-called "hot Neptunian desert," an apparent (and mysterious) dearth of Neptune-size worlds that orbit very close to their stars. "There are not a lot of planets in this in-between place, so to see a planet this size this close to a star is pretty cool," Sean Raymond, an astrophysicist at the Observatory of Bordeaux in France, who did not take part in this research, told Cool indeed, except when you're the planet being scorched by the sun, but we're pretty sure it doesn't have feelings. Still, seen a massive ball of gas like this be so close to its sun raises a lot of questions and wonders, which is why many scientists are very focused on this exoplanet. Especially since the very existence of TOI-849b contradicts what many people think happen with gas giants depending on their size. Previous models suggested that nascent planets more than 10 to 20 times Earth's mass should have strong enough gravitational fields to gobble up huge amounts of material from the protoplanetary disks of gas and dust that surround their newborn stars. Such worlds should therefore swell to become gas giants similar to Jupiter or Saturn. As such, one might think that TOI-849b is the remnant of a gas giant that lost most of its weight somehow, perhaps due to the heat it experiences orbiting so close to its star. If this is true, this would create a whole new path for certain planets to go depending on their circumstances, and if this is the core of a former gas giant, it would be treated in a whole other way. However, as much as the light from TOI-849b's star would sear the exoplanet, the scientists noted such heating alone might still not strip a gas giant's atmosphere down to nearly the planet's core. They estimated the star is about 6.7 billion years old. Given that amount of time, as well as TOI-849b's distance from its star, they calculated a Jupiter-like gas giant would have lost only a few percent of its mass due to stellar radiation to date. Granted, this is just based on calculations and is not hard proof, but these models do seem to point to this not being a planet ravaged by a star (or at least this star its orbiting), and it's fair to believe that. For now at least, because if more evidence or proof comes to life, it would obviously change things. As such, the researchers suggest that TOI-849b may be the remnant core of a gas giant that lost mass through a different mechanism. #InsaneCuriosity#RecentSpaceDiscoveries #Exoplanets
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Liked on YouTube: What is the Smallest a Planet Can Be?
What is the Smallest a Planet Can Be?
My twitter: Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System under the new definition of a planet. But what is the smallest a planet can get under the definition that was imposed? Let's see. Intro and outro footage made with Space Engine. Thanks to my real life friend for suggesting this one. Music: Clouds Huma - Huma
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Sunday, 26 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: If an Asteroid Were to Hit the Earth 1 Year From Now
If an Asteroid Were to Hit the Earth 1 Year From Now
What would happened if we knew that a year from now a 1km long asteroid would hit the Earth? Would we be able to prevent it? In this video i answer those questions. My twitter: Intro, outro and other clips in the video were made with Space Engine. Music: Grass - Silent Partner
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Liked on YouTube: Starship SN3 Failure Reasons. SN4 Already Under Construction!
Starship SN3 Failure Reasons. SN4 Already Under Construction!
From its recent failures, to what it means for space travel as a whole, and more! Join me as we explore the Starship SN3 failure Reasons. SN4 already under construction! Subscribe for more videos: Without a doubt, one of the groups that are keeping the hope of getting back into space alive is Elon Musk's SpaceX. Not only are they trying to revolutionize how we get into space via reusable starships and such, but they're also the ones who are pushing the hardest to try and get us to Mars. But, to accomplish this goal, they have to put their starships through rigorous testing that pushes everything to the brink, and sometimes beyond, and through that, they can know if the starship will hold up, or if something needs to change. SpaceX had been doing some recent tests in early April when something sadly went very wrong. SpaceX Starship SN3, the latest iteration of Starship test vehicles, was lost during testing at the launch site in Boca Chica, Texas. The incident occurred during proof testing one Friday morning. However, Elon Musk has since clarified the issue was the result of incorrect commanding resulting in the loss of pressure, as opposed to any material issue with the Starship build. As a result, SN4 will not require alterations to its structure, with construction work on the next Starship already taking place. To be a little more specific, the team was doing the various testings of the craft when they eventually went and did the much dreaded Cryogenics test. This is where they put in liquid nitrogen into the craft to test how the craft would hold up against freezing temperatures at certain pressures (mimicking the feeling of space against the crafts interior and hull). At first, everything seemed to be going fine. There were some small glitches, including leaks in the valves at certain points, but SpaceX determined it was ok to keep going. As they were filing up the top parts of the SN3 with liquid nitrogen though, the whole thing buckled and thus the entire craft was destroyed. And if you look at the footage of the event, you'll notice that it broke down in rather mind-boggling fashion. However, SpaceX is confident that this wasn't a case of materials not holding up, but rather, a command prompt going wrong in the test that caused the wrong parameters to go off and thus scuttle the craft. Elon Musk noted, “we will see what data review says in the morning, but this may have been a test configuration mistake,” on Twitter and the first-look observations, the fault may have been related to detanking or an out of spec pressurization status, rather than another structural failure under pressure. This was later confirmed in later tweets, with Musk adding specifics as to the cause of the failure. “There are redundant pressure control valves. It’s a new system and SN3 was simply commanded wrong. Rockets are hard. Good news is that this was a test configuration error, rather than a design or build mistake. Not enough pressure in the LOX tank ullage to maintain stability with a heavy load in the CH4 tank. This was done with N2.” Not so ironically, this wasn't the first time that a SpaceX vehicle has failed in regards to Cryogenics testing on a launch site. But the difference though is that previous models failed due to the materials that were put on the craft. In this case, it was a command prompt that screwed everything up and not the materials, and that's why the upcoming SN4 won't need to be upgraded in the materials or construction sense. Or at least, that's the belief right now, this could all change in an instant or with the arrival of something new. Before we continue to break down the SN3 incident, be sure to like or dislike the video, that way we can work hard to bring the best videos possible! Also, be sure to subscribe to the channel, that way you don't miss ANY of our weekly videos! As noted, SpaceX has been working on starship vehicles for a while now. Not just that, they've been redesigning, improving, and testing like mad to try and make sure everything works. Even the SN3 is something that is the product of a lot of testing and iteration. While it may be "Serial Number 3", there have been plenty of ships before this, including the MK1 and the MK3. Starship SN3 is the culmination of all of these test articles. The vehicle was stacked in a new assembly building, beginning in mid-March. The vehicle was rolled to the launch pad and lifted onto the launch mount on March 29. Pending final preparations and checkouts at the pad. The SN3 vehicle notably featured a new internally mounted, deployable leg design, which is visible in photos shared by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Musk noted that the legs will be longer starting with Starship SN4. #InsaneCuriosity #SpacexStarship #RecentSpaceDiscoveries
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Liked on YouTube: Fly Through a Nebula 163,000 Light Years Away (30 Years of the Hubble Space Telescope)
Fly Through a Nebula 163,000 Light Years Away (30 Years of the Hubble Space Telescope)
We’re on PATREON! Join the community ►► SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a video! ►► ↓↓↓ More info and sources below ↓↓↓ Celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope’s 30th Birthday with us: “Disorientation” by Dr. Katie Mack Check out Katie's book "The End of Everything: (Astrophysically Speaking)" coming in August 2020: Special thanks: Dr. Katie Mack (@AstroKatie on Twitter) Dr. Frank Summers (STScI) Dr. Joel Green (STScI) Dr. Alex Lockwood (STScI) NASA European Space Agency Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) Special thanks to our Brain Trust Patrons: AlecZero Diego Lombeida Dustin Ernesto Silva George Gladding Marcus Tuepker Megan K Bradshaw Ron Kakar Vincbis Join us on Patreon! Twitter Instagram Merch Facebook
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Liked on YouTube: Standing on a Comet
Standing on a Comet
Comets are icy bodies that are releasing gasses. So what would it be like to stand on one ordinary comet? In this video i explain as to what it would be like to stand on Churyumov–Gerasimenko (or 67P), it is a normally sized comet that we have landed on with a lander called Philae. My twitter: Intro,outro and other clips in the video were made with Space Engine. Music: Grass - Silent Partner
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Liked on YouTube: The Power Of Neutron Stars!
The Power Of Neutron Stars!
We know how terrifying and powerful black holes can be, but what comes second place in terms to it in terms of overall awesomeness? Join us today as we learn about neutron stars! Subscribe for more videos: One of the most popular outer space entities that pop culture love to revolve about is the black hole. We’ve seen various movies, TV programs, even some songs talk about how magnificent and mysterious they are. But what if black holes aren’t the only objects that we should be amazed with? Of course we have a lot of picks for that matter, but the particular thing we would talk about today is the star that ranks number 1 in the universe in terms of density: the neutron stars. Okay, astro fans, I can hear you argue and say “No, black holes are the densest objects in the universe!” But let me tell you this: remember how black holes work? They are effectively stars that collapsed to an almost zero volume, which results in their enormous gravitational force. If they effectively are dimensionless, can we really say that they are “objects”? We can’t be really sure, and that’s something that only philosophy can answer, but while we’re here at the subject of definitions and what we actually know for certain, let’s just say the one we can categorize as the densest object, quote-unquote, is the neutron star. And no, a neutron star is not a subatomic particle which grew to the size of the star. It isn’t also a bunch of neutrons agreeing to somehow collectively come together to form a humongous star. Although we can effectively say that a neutron star is like a giant atom, we'll get to that later. For now, I want to discuss how neutron stars are born and why they are like Phoenixes: how from the ashes of their old corpses, they rise up and fly with their new, replenished lives! I know you already know this if you’re an astro buff, but to some of our viewers out there who are new, first of all, welcome! We hope we spark your curiosity more through our videos! Anyway, stars were discovered to follow some kind of lifecycle, just like us living beings on Earth. They too, get born, have a childhood phase, then grow to adulthood, then also die, after certain circumstances. A star’s usual routine involves fusing hydrogen into helium. Quite honestly, in its lifetime, that’s all it ever does. Now, as we know from basic nuclear physics, when we fuse atoms together, it creates energy. The energy that the fusion in the star creates is countered by the gravitational force towards its center, effectively keeping the balance and preventing it from collapsing towards its center. As long as this goes on, everything is good and well at a star’s life. But of course, like all lives, stars experience a tipping point in theirs. Remember how stars burn hydrogen to fuse to helium? Well, eventually, stars run out of hydrogen to fuse, so they fuse helium instead, forming elements such as carbon and oxygen. The energy pushes out the borders of the star causing it to move to its giant phase, until the pressure from electron degeneracy collapses the core of the star, and expelling its outer layer leaving a white dwarf. For heavy mass stars, a number of times larger than the mass of our own Sun, the story is different. The same as earlier, when the star runs out of hydrogen to fuse, it begins to fuse heavier elements. The difference this time is that the collapse caused by gravity is so extremely strong, way stronger than what we described earlier, that the fusion goes to Neon, to Oxygen, to Silicon, then finally to Iron. As this happens, the outer layer of the star begins to fatten up faster as time goes by. When the core of the star is finally iron, fusion can no longer take place, as iron is stubborn this way. We can imagine at this point, there is no more energy resulting from fusion. So what if that happens? The own weight of the star collapses in itself, effectively crushing it to the size of up to around a 10 kilometer radius. It’s like compressing the star to about the size of Malta! Now, we know how subatomic particles don’t want to get near each other, right? We can practically say that an atom is made of empty space. However, the strength of the gravitational force that occurs when a heavy mass star collapses crushes this space in between, merging the protons and electrons together to form neutrons, with some neutrinos in excess. But the extravaganza of energy doesn’t end there! See, neutrons hate being compressed towards one another, too. Just like protons and electrons. The collapse can only occur up to a certain moment where the neutrons form a lattice-like structure, the crushing in stops. By the way, this sudden halt is what we call neutron degeneracy pressure. #InsaneCuriosity#NeutronStars #HowTheUniverseWorks
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Saturday, 25 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: Hubble's 30th Anniversary Image is Just Stunning
Hubble's 30th Anniversary Image is Just Stunning
Get MagellanTV here: & get an exclusive offer extended to our viewers: an extra month FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: On the 30th anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers released an amazing image of a star forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The nebula, NGC 2014 is paired with NGC 2020, a Wolf-Rayet star that is rapidly evolving and quickly losing mass. Even better, the image is rendered in 3d for a flythrough! 🔔 Subscribe for more: 🖖 Share this video with a fellow space traveler: 🔴 Watch my most recent upload: 🚀 Help me improve the channel by joining the community on Patreon 🚀 Check out Launch Pad merchandise! Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. ✅ Let's connect: For business inquiries - chris AT christianready DOT com Twitter - @launchpadastro Instagram - @launchpadastro Facebook - Discord - 📭 c/o Christian Ready P.O. Box 66 Westminster, MD 21158 United States Earth
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Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: 10 Strange Things You Didn't Know About Earth!
10 Strange Things You Didn't Know About Earth!
these are 10 strange things that you didn’t know about planet Earth. Watch our " Planet that can sustain human life" video here: 10. Earth isn’t round Don’t worry – we’re not about to tell you that the Earth is flat, but did you know that our planet is not perfectly round either? The Earth is actually a type of a sphere called oblate spheroid. This means that the Earth is squashed at the poles and bulges at the equator. Because of these irregularities, the distance from the Earth's center to sea level is around 21 kilometers (or 13 miles) greater at the equator than at the poles. While this difference cannot be seen with a eye, it can be easily calculated using artificial satellite techniques. The sphere-like shape of our planet is the result of the Earth’s rotation. As the Earth spins on its axis, it produces a small equatorial bulge and slightly flattened poles due to centrifugal force. This is why a vertical cross-section through the Earth along the polar axis has the shape of an ellipse, whereas a horizontal cross-section through the Earth along the equator has the shape of a circle. 9. Gravity isn’t the same everywhere on Earth( universe) If the Earth was perfectly round or spherical and had uniform mass density, the gravitational field would be the same at all points on its surface. But since Earth is a flattened spheroid, gravity isn’t equally distributed and its strength varies from place to place. Due to centrifugal forces produced by the planet's rotation, gravity is at its weakest at the equator and the strongest at higher altitudes further from the Earth's center. This means that you would weigh 0.5% more at the poles than at the equator, while your weight would decrease by about 0.29% on the top of Mount Everest. The gravity at the top of Mount Everest is actually 99.72% as strong as the gravity at sea level, so if something weighed 1000 pounds at sea level, it would weigh only 997.2 pounds at the top of Mount Everest. So if you ever feel bad about your weight after devouring a whole pizza by yourself, just climb Mount Everest – and don’t forget to bring the scales with you! 8. Earth's magnetic poles will soon flip The switching of the poles sure sounds like a Doomsday scenario, but it’s actually a perfectly normal occurrence that has already happened many times in Earth’s history. Over the last 20 million years, the north and south magnetic poles have been reversing every 200,000 to 300,000 years. Since the last swap took place about 780,000 years ago, this means the next one is fast approaching. According to the latest satellite data from the European Space Agency, the magnetic field is already showing signs of shifting, but scientists still can’t say exactly when the next pole reversal will take place. When it does happen, though, it could have serious consequences for life on Earth. The Earth’s magnetic field is a giant shield that protects our planet from harmful cosmic rays, and each time the poles switch places, this shield becomes weaker. At the moment, the dangerous radiation from space is still not hitting the surface of the Earth, but this could all change after the poles shift(pole shift 2019). Once the magnetic field gets substantially weaker and stays that way for an extended period of time, the Earth will be exposed to higher levels of radiation, which could eventually wipe out our entire power grid and lead to an increase in diseases like cancer. Before we move on to even stranger things about our planet, take a second to subscribe to our channel so you don’t miss any of the amazing content we’ve got in store for you! 7. Earth used to have two Moons I know what you’re thinking: not another conspiracy theory about Earth! But believe it or not, our planet most likely used to have two Moons that collided and merged into one astronomical body nearly 4.5 billion years ago. The two-moon hypothesis, published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature in 2011, provides an explanation for the noticeable differences between the Moon's two hemispheres. The hemisphere facing the Earth is covered by low, lava-filled plains, whereas the “dark side of the Moon” is made up of rugged, rocky highlands. Those highlands, according to the two-moon hypothesis, are the remains of the smaller, short-lived satellite that collided with the Moon as we now know it. Since the two moons collided at subsonic speeds, there was no explosion and the merging was almost fluid. The two-moon hypothesis is yet to be experimentally proven, but upcoming lunar missions will probably help settle the question of whether the moon once had a little brother. 6. The highe
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Liked on YouTube: Will NASA’s Asteroid mission save us in the future?
Will NASA’s Asteroid mission save us in the future?
Get MagellanTV here: & get an exclusive offer extended to our viewers: an extra month FREE. MagellanTV is a new kind of streaming service run by filmmakers with 2,000+ documentaries! Check out our personal recommendation and MagellanTV’s exclusive playlists: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail", that quote by Benjamin Franklin certainly rings true with this current biological crisis but one day a large asteroid could give us all a very bad day. Thankfully we are starting to take the threat seriously and soon we will be testing to see if hitting a 150m chunk of rock weighing millions of tons can be knocked off a collision course with Earth with a 500kg spacecraft. This is AIDA, the Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment mission that will test out the theories on the double asteroid Didymos. This video is sponsored my Magellan TV. Written, researched and presented by Paul Shillito Images and footage by ESA, NASA, APL, Space Engine, Lawrence Livermore Lab We would also like to thank all of our Patreons too :-) Alan Johns Allan Versaevel Alok G Singh Andrew SMITH Brandon Acosta Brian Kelly Cameron Elliot Cash Garman Cody Belichesky Collin Copfer Damien Pasche Daniele Noacco Dylan Leblanc Giacomo Catenazzi Henri Saussure James M Weis Johan Rombaut john edwards Jonathan Merage Jonathan Travers Juerg Hurni Kai Spuhler Kevin Hinnen Laurent Steck Lorne Diebel László Antal Marco Mangen Peter Barber Prashanth Ruthala Pyloric SHAMIR Sk1er stefan hufenbach Steve J - LakeCountySpacePort Vincent Walt Dennig Music from the Youtube library Attraction by Density & Time Heaven and Hell by Jeremy Blake Precipice by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Artist: Cloud Wheels, Castle Builder by Puddle of Infinity
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Liked on YouTube: Our Solar System's Moons: Titan
Our Solar System's Moons: Titan
Everything you could want to know about Saturn's biggest moon, Titan. In this video we go through Titan's lakes, its volcanoes, atmosphere, and everything else that makes Titan so special. Please note that this is a reupload, as the original was taken down through a DMCA, but a lot of people have requested for me to upload it again. I've gone through all the footage and switched out anything that might have a hint of copyright problems so hopefully this will stay up this time. SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other planets. Subscribe! Facebook! Twitter! Donate! Patreon: Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support my channel! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Thanks to those who have supported so far! Image credits: NASA/ESA/MIT/Space Engine/Universe Simulator Music credits: Anima - Soaring Together Anima - You Are Truth Jingle Punks - The Story Unfolds #cassini #astrum #titan
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Liked on YouTube: Standing on Ceres - Closest Dwarf Planet to Earth
Standing on Ceres - Closest Dwarf Planet to Earth
Ceres is quite an interesting dwarf planet that has lots of mysterious things going on. In this video i see as to what would it be like to land and stand on this dwarf planet. My Twitter: Intro, outro and other clips in the video were made with Space Engine. Music: Nevada City - Huma-Huma
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Tuesday, 21 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: What Would Standing on Fire and Ice World Io Feel Like?
What Would Standing on Fire and Ice World Io Feel Like?
Image at 0:53 is by Ron Miller, check out for more space art. What would it be like to stand on a yellow surface that is at times hell and other time a cold ice land? Watch the video to find out. Music: Huma-Huma - Hydra
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Liked on YouTube: Can a moon have a moon?
Can a moon have a moon?
Astrum answers a question we may have all asked ourselves at one point, can a moon have a moon? SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other planets. Subscribe! Facebook! Twitter! Donate! Patreon: Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support my channel! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Thanks to those who have supported so far! Image Credits: NASA
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Liked on YouTube: Visiting the Universe 0.0001 Seconds After the Big Bang
Visiting the Universe 0.0001 Seconds After the Big Bang
My twitter: The universe is 13.8 billion years old, but what has happened during it's first years and seconds of existence. Let's go back in time and see it trough our human eyes. Intro and outro footage made with Space Engine. Methuselah Star photo by ESA/Hubble Music: Huma-Huma - Nevada City
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Monday, 20 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: NBA Memorable Game Winning Buzzer Beaters
NBA Memorable Game Winning Buzzer Beaters
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Liked on YouTube: Which Stars will go Supernova next?
Which Stars will go Supernova next?
When will the next naked-eye supernova event happen? What will it look like? Will we be safe? Astrum Answers! SUBSCRIBE for more videos about our other planets. Subscribe! Facebook! Twitter! Donate! Patreon: Ethereum Wallet: 0x5F8cf793962ae8Df4Cba017E7A6159a104744038 Become a Patron today and support my channel! Donate link above. I can't do it without you. Thanks to those who have supported so far! Image Credits: NASA/ESO/ESA Music Credits: Stellardrone - Billions and Billions
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Liked on YouTube: What If We Try And Colonize Mars?
What If We Try And Colonize Mars?
From the desire to go there, to the consequences if we do, join us as we ask the question of what happens if we try and colonize Mars? Watch our "9 Events That Will Happen Before 2050!" video here: Watch our "Everything About Mars" Playlist: 7. To Boldly Go... Before we break down all the pros and cons of colonizing a place like Mars, we need to start off with the obvious question. Why do we want to colonize Mars at all? I mean, isn't Earth good enough for us? That's honestly not the right way to think about this. It's not about Earth being "good enough" or "not good enough". It's more of a question of the future of humanity. As I'm sure you've noticed, humanity is growing, and we're slowly starting to overpopulate the planet. The more people that are on Earth, the more resources that are going to be consumed. The worlds' forests are being cut down at an accelerated rate, while the ozone and atmosphere is suffering because of our use of carbon emissions. Going to another planet is a solution that honestly has a lot of efficacy, because it would solve one problem. If we can colonize another planet, we can move lots of people there and have them live a new life on another planet while not consuming all the resources on Earth. Not to mention, if we were able to colonize Mars, that would mean that we've finally colonized another planet in our solar system. This has been the dream of humanity ever since the official start of the space program. It was because of the dream of seeing the stars that shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, Lost In Space, and more were made. And so reaching Mars, and living on it is a huge step towards making those dreams a reality. And, once we get there, then we get to start looking beyond that. If we can colonize Mars, what's to say we can't colonize other planets? Some would even say that we should try and colonize the moon before we got to Mars, and that might be a good idea. But regardless of the order, the moment we set foot on another planet and start making a new life for ourselves there, we're taking a big step towards exploring the universe in a massive way. We KNOW that there are other planets out there that could potentially support us, the problem has always been, how do we get there? 6. The Distance Problem To answer that question, let's go ahead and ask the biggest problem/hurdle that is facing humanity when it comes to trying to colonize Mars (mars colony).'s very far away. Now sure, when you look at a map of our solar system, you're going to see that Earth and Mars are "close together'. As Earth is the 3rd planet in the solar system while Mars is the 4th. So you'd think that they would be "close enough together" to make it a short trip, right? Wrong. You see, if you were to measure the distance between Earth and Mars, you'd find that they are 33.9 million miles apart. To put that into context for you, we could travel to the moon and back about 69 times to get to that distance. And as I'm sure you're aware, humanity has a hard enough time landing on the moon, so trying to go and reach a planet that is many, many, MANY times the distance away as the moon? Yeah, that's a problem. So now you're no doubt wondering, "Is difficulty really the biggest issue here?" No, not really, the real problem here is the technology that we have on Earth right now. The technology that would quite literally propel our astronauts into space to try and get to the planet. To be frank, with what we have now, we wouldn't be able to make it to Mars. Or, we could get there, but then we wouldn't be able to do what we need to in order to colonize it. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's continue focusing on the distance issues. Let's say for a moment that the engines we have for the shuttles and craft that we use to get to the moon into space are powerful enough to get to Mars. That we figure out a way to fuel them in order the reach the planet, right? The problem now is that because Mars is so far away, the craft has to be able to keep the astronauts alive for how long it takes to get there. How long is that? Well it depends on a lot of factors. But if we're averaging it out, it could take anywhere from 150-300 days. And that's just for one shuttle carrying a few passengers. And staying in space that long in a tight space like that is not healthy at all. And that's still only the beginning of the issues. 5. We're Going To Need A Bigger Boat I want you to think about what it means to colonize a planet. Technically speaking, colonization occurs when you grow something on the place you're setting down. But if we're thinking about it in the "big picture" sense.. So, if we're being fair and generous, let's say that we decide to try and colonize Mars with say...20-30 people. #insanecuriosity #marseverythingabout
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Liked on YouTube: Spending a Day on Earth 1 Billion Years In the Future
Spending a Day on Earth 1 Billion Years In the Future
My new Twitter: Earth has went trough a lot but what will it go trough in the future? Here i take a look at what would it be like to spend a day on Earth in a billion years from now. Intro and outro footage made with Space Engine Micro life footage: Peter Matulavich/Science Photo Library Music: Kevin MacLeod - Lost Frontier Dreksler Astral
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Sunday, 19 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: 8 Planets That Can Sustain Human Life
8 Planets That Can Sustain Human Life
Stay tuned for the 8 planets that can sustain human life ! Watch Our Playlist: Exoplanets, Potentially Super Earths, New Earths! Recent Space Discoveries: Earth like Planets, Exoplanets, Super Earths, New Earths, Planets That Could Sustain Human Life. 8. KOI 7711.01 In total, there are 4,496 planets that the Kepler space telescope has predicted exist, with more than half being confirmed planets. Of those planets, 30 of them are sized similarly to the Earth and are in the habitable zone next to their star. That's great news for future travelers looking to flee Earth to somewhere new. One of these potential planets that could sustain human life is known as KOI 7711.01. Added to the confirmed planet list in 2017, this spectacular place might be the planet most like Earth ever found. It's 1,700 light-years away, and orbits a star a lot like our own sun. So what's so special about KOI 7711.01? Well, it's about 30 percent larger than the Earth, and it's in the habitable zone. This means that it gets the right amount of heat to warm the planet like Earth. Plus, the solar warmth on this planet could help produce liquid water on the planet's surface. Now, don't get your spaceship ready and plot course to KOI 7711.01 just yet. There's still a lot scientists don't know about this planet yet. Although we get a similar amount of heat on Earth as we would on KOI 7711.01, we don't know whether it's really Earth's twin. Before people will ever travel there, assuming that we ever become technologically advanced enough to do so, we need to learn about the planet's atmosphere and whether there's water on the planet. And those are two really large ifs when it comes to sustaining life on another planet. 7. Kepler-186f Another planet that humans could potentially life on is Kepler-186f. This planet is incredibly special to humans, as it is the first validated Earth-sized planet that orbits a star in the habitable zone. Therefore, this planet gets enough energy from the sun from its distance away from its star, plus, it's in just the right location to potentially have water on its surface. Kepler-186f is really cool because it started things off when it came to searching for Earth-like planets. 6. Gliese 832c Back in 2014, a group of astronomers at the University of New South Wales predicted the existence of a planet they called a super-Earth. They were looking at some planetary bodies that were previously discovered near the habitable zone of Gliese 832, which was known to host an exoplanet similar to Jupiter, when they discovered Gliese 832c. Gliese 832 is a sun that's much closer than any other Earth-like planet we've discussed so far. 5. Ross 128 Last year scientists made an exciting discover when they located the planet Ross 128b. So, why was the scientific community so interested in this news? Because there are many great things that make Ross 128b a great planet for potentially sustaining life. First, there's the fact that Ross 128b is very temperate. Scientists predict that the temperature of Ross 128b is very similar to that of the Earths. That's because it orbits a red dwarf, one of the most common, coolest, and faintest types of stars in the Universe. 4. Proxima Centauri’s Proxima b The closest star to our sun is known as Proxima Centuri, and it's only 4.2 light-years, or 25 trillion miles away. Proxima Centuri's planetary system hosts Proxima Centauri b, a planet that sits in the habitable zone yet whose habitability hasn't been totally established. Although there's a chance, depending on what the atmosphere is like that Proxima Centauri b can host life, there are also some factors that suggest even if it was possible, we humans probably wouldn't want to be there. F 3. Kepler 62-f Nearly 1200 light years away in the constellation of Lyra is the star Kepler-62 and the planet Kepler-62f. Kepler-62f is a super-Earth exoplanet that orbits the outer area of the habitable zone. There's a good chance that it's a rocky or ocean-covered planet, making it a great, but far away contender for a planet that can sustain human life. 2. KOI-7923.01 Imagine a planet that's very similar to the Earth. A year is roughly the same amount of time, at 395 days. Plus, the planet is 97% the size of Earth. Sounds like a great potential planet to host life, right? 1. The Trappist Planets (Trappist-1) Back in 2016, scientists discovered seven rocky planets in a planetary system, known as the Trappist planets. Three of these seven planets are located within the habitable zone and are like the size of Earth. At only 43 light years away, these were exciting discoveries because scientists had never found so many alien worlds in one planetary system.
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Liked on YouTube: 3-year old Dr. Francine Pineda is finally here to fight COVID19!
3-year old Dr. Francine Pineda is finally here to fight COVID19!
#covid19 #stayhome
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Liked on YouTube: History and Future of the Solar System
History and Future of the Solar System
Music in the credits. Watch the Solar System unfold! Events document:
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Liked on YouTube: Intermediate Mass Black Holes - has the missing link been found?
Intermediate Mass Black Holes - has the missing link been found?
Get Stellarium Mobile Plus, based on the award-winning Stellarium desktop planetarium! Browse the sky and explore the universe with Stellarium Mobile Plus' intuitive user interface. Now available on Android and iOS: Android: iOS: Intermediate Mass Black Holes are the missing link between stellar mass black holes found in binary star systems and supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies and quasars. But now a team of astronomers believe they have finally found the holy grail of black holes, an intermediate mass black hole destroying a star in a tidal disruption event. 🔔 Subscribe for more: 🖖 Share this video with a fellow space traveler: 🔴 Watch my most recent upload: 🚀 Help me improve the channel by joining the community on Patreon 🚀 Check out Launch Pad merchandise! Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 🧭 References: Lin et al 2018: A luminous X-ray outburst from an intermediate-mass black hole in an off-centre star cluster Lin et al 2020: Multiwavelength Follow-up of the Hyperluminous Intermediate-mass Black Hole Candidate 3XMM J215022.4-055108 ✅ Let's connect: For business inquiries - chris AT christianready DOT com Twitter - @launchpadastro Instagram - @launchpadastro Facebook - Discord - 📭 c/o Christian Ready P.O. Box 66 Westminster, MD 21158 United States Earth🍎🍎
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Liked on YouTube: Spending a Day on Earth 4 Billion Years Into the Future
Spending a Day on Earth 4 Billion Years Into the Future
My twitter: (sous-titres français disponibles) What would it be like to spend a day on Earth in such a distant future? Trough looking at several long term influences we now can answer that question. Intro and outro footage made with Space Engine Microscopic life: Peter Matulavich/Science Photo Library Music: Huma-Huma - Nevada City
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Liked on YouTube: Exploring the TRAPPIST-1 System
Exploring the TRAPPIST-1 System
We've briefly discussed exoplanets and some methods that we can use to detect them, but we haven't yet looked at any specific ones. You may have heard of the TRAPPIST-1 system that was discovered recently, and for good reason, it's a very exciting discovery! Let's get a closer look at this system on Space Engine and see just what makes it so special. Subscribe: Mathematics Tutorials: Classical Physics Tutorials: Modern Physics Tutorials: General Chemistry Tutorials: Organic Chemistry Tutorials: Biochemistry Tutorials: Biology Tutorials: American History Tutorials:
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Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Liked on YouTube: Standing on Martian Poles
Standing on Martian Poles
Image at 2:50 is by Ron Miller, visit for more space art. Poles of Mars are quite a place, cold and rough, and interestingly the only polar caps besides Earth in the solar system. Intro and outro footage made with Space Engine Music: Kevin MacLeod - Martian Cowboy
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Liked on YouTube: Does the Solar System Have Another Star in Hiding? | Nemesis Star | Unveiled
Does the Solar System Have Another Star in Hiding? | Nemesis Star | Unveiled
While we may be used to Earth orbiting just one sun, having a single star isn’t the norm for the rest of the universe... and some theories even claim that there are 2 SUNS in the solar system! In this video, Unveiled discovers the mysteries Nemesis Star Theory... the idea that there's another, evil star on the outer edge of the solar system, playing havoc with life on Earth! This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions! Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here: Will Humans Conquer the Solar System? - Why Our Sun Will Live Longer Than Our Galaxy - Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled ► #Space #SolarSystem #Universe #TheSun #Solar #NemesisStar #Nemesis
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Liked on YouTube: What if We Lived on the Moon? | Unveiled
What if We Lived on the Moon? | Unveiled
What if We Lived on the Moon? Subscribe: Voice over: What If We Are Alone In The Universe? How Did Life Begin? The True Science of Parallel Universes What Happens At The Edge Of The Universe? What Would Happen If The Sun Suddenly Disappeared? Is it possible to build a city on the Moon NASA and ROSCOSMOS made parallel announcements about cooperation to build the new lunar orbiting space station very recently. NASA has been working with its partners to build the new space station, and everybody is thrilled now that ROSCOSMOS (Russian Space Agency) has joined in the fun. Since the Moon has only a trace of atmosphere, it provides no protection from radiation or meteorites. An underground lava tube would keep the inhabitants safe from such dangers. Lava tubes are formed when molten rock pours through fissures, creating a circular tunnel. When the lava flow stops the tubes drain, leaving a flat floor and a strong arched roof. Such tubes exist here on Earth, but on the Moon they are much larger. They are likely a kilometre tall and wide, so combined with their length, could easily fit any of the Earth’s largest cities, including all of its tallest buildings. Scientists, researchers, construction crews and everyday citizens would be safe from the hazards of space in there. The glass roof, made from lunar silica would be supported by titanium and aluminium frames, but narrow enough to be almost invisible from inside on the ground. Even though several metres thick (in multiple layers to control thermal expansion and contraction) it would still be transparent. It could be days before there was significant loss. That would plenty of time to repair it. The fastest strategy would probably be a giant Kevlar™ beach ball that could be placed over the breach and be held in place by the air pressure inside the dome while a repair was executed by an external team composed of the original robots that built the dome. Beneath the surface city would be a subterranean city containing infrastructure. This is a leftover of where the original inhabitants and construction workers lived before the dome was complete. It would contain living space sufficient for all residents, in the event of a catastrophic dome failure. In the case of a very large hole, cryogenic coolers could rapidly condense the atmosphere inside the dome to a liquid state, saving as much as 80% of the atmosphere until the dome could be repaired. It’s a small possibility, but one worth being prepared for. Such an enclosed crater would have an area exceeding 1250 km2 (485 sq. miles), or a little more than 20 times the size of Manhattan Island. Not only would it make a fine place to live, it could take decades to fully explore. Looking at the image above, you might also note that almost 20% of the crater is taken up by a central lake about 5 times the size of Manhattan. We could fill it by mining ice from permanently shadowed craters located around the Moon’s poles, and it would serve as the central reservoir for the entire city, supporting aquaculture food, as well as fish populations.
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Liked on YouTube: Steven Universe, My Dudes
Steven Universe, My Dudes
Just when you thought I was done making Wednesday videos. Y'all must be crazy if you think I'm gonna discontinue something this epic. To quote Cleveland Brown, "If you got a problem with it, you can go fuck yourself". Subscribe for more randomness: ( New to Baby Lamb Creations? Check out these playlists: ( Click Here to learn more about Baby Lamb Creations: BUY MY MERCH: ✭ SOCIAL MEDIA ✭ Twitter: DeviantArt: MY WIKI: No videos were made to intentionally harm or offend anyone. They're meant to be taken as a joke, meme, satire, etc. All my videos are made with iMovie. Any clips from TV shows, movies, cartoons, songs, or other users are not owned by me. If you find your video in a post of mine and don't want me using it, please contact me and I will gladly remove it.
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Liked on YouTube: What if Mars and Venus Were Habitable?
What if Mars and Venus Were Habitable?
My Twitter (where i'm active): Mars and Venus are two terrestrial planets which humans have wanted to colonize for a long time, but what if both of the objects were habitable at this moment. What would it all be like? Intro and outro footage made with Space Engine. Terraformed Venus map with Oceans, Icecaps, and Vegetation by Morbiusgreen Thank you Ryan Robertson (@Rr27075Ryan) for suggesting the idea of the video on Twitter. Microscopic life footage by Peter Matulavich/Science Photo Library Music: Hydra - Huma-Huma
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