Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Liked on YouTube: Ray Kurzweil, The Technological Singularity And The Future Of Humanity!

Ray Kurzweil, The Technological Singularity And The Future Of Humanity!
Subscribe for more videos:https://www.youtube.com/c/InsaneCuriosity?sub_confirmation=1? From the immediate future, to what we'll have in the next few decades, and how the Earth will never be the same, join me as we explore the notions of Ray Kurzweil, The technological singularity and the future of humanity! If you were to look at the world at its current state, with the epidemic going through every country it seems, businesses shutting down and various economies taking serious hits, the last thing you'd be thinking about is the future a few years from now. That's totally understandable as we're not even sure where we're going to be a few months from now. But as with all great diseases and plagues, this too shall pass, and the future will continue on as scheduled. The 2020's are aiming to be an important decade for humanity as a whole whether we want to admit it or not. NASA and SpaceX are aiming to take us back to the moon and get us to colonize Mars after decades of wondering if it was honestly possible. There will no doubt be major advancements in technology that will help propel us forward, and various new leadership could help steer the path of humanity for many years and decades to come. But in truth, let us ask ourselves, what is the true future of humanity? And who can we turn to in order to get a glimpse of what's to come? That would be none other than Ray Kurzweil, an inventor and futurist who not only believes in the power of humanity, but believes in a very beautiful and technologically vibrant system that humanity is slowly building itself toward. But why should we trust this guy? Why is it that Ray Kurzweil is an "expert" on something that hasn't even happened yet. To put it simply...he's gotten a lot right over the years. Ray is renowned for his predictions on technological and social advancement. He said he’s made 147 predictions in the age of machines, and according to him, “86% were correct to the year.” Heck, even if he was just 50% right, that would be a staggering number, and it's not just his bravado saying he was right, we have facts that can prove it. In 1990, he famously predicted that computers would beat the best human chess players “by the year 2000.” And in May of 1997, World Champion Garry Kasparov was defeated by IBM’s Deep Blue computer in a chess tournament. Kurzweil also foresaw the explosive growth in the Internet at a time when there were only 2.6 million Internet users in the world. Now, the internet is one of the most important things in the history of the world, used by many countries all over the world and is vital for various people doing their jobs, as well as helping make jobs easier. He also predicted the role of computers in classrooms, speech-to-text software and many other technological developments that have come to pass. In short, he's predicted a lot, and if he has notions about the future, it's a pretty good chance that at least SOME of these predictions are going to come true, and as we get closer to the year 2050, where a a lot of "technological advances" are said to be in full effect, you have to wonder how Ray will see things working out. So let's look at some of these predictions and break down the likelihood of them happening, shall we? He’s optimistic about renewable energy for example. According to his studies, the rise of renewable energy is seeing exponential growth, doubling every 4 years which would be quite a feat if true. “In 2030 we will have [total] renewable energy, and it will be inexpensive,” he predicts. This particular prediction is one that many people would LOVE to see come true, and for all the right reasons. Whether or not you believe in Global Warming, you can't deny that fossil fuels are harming the planet in various ways. Many people have been trying to get renewable energy as the many provider of the worlds source of power for many years now, but various leaders and industries have been resistant because of the money they are set to lose from the lesser amounts of oil and fossil fuels that will be used over time. The irony of it all though is that there are ways right now that can make this prediction come true, mainly, solar power. Solar panels have been used for many years now, and with each new version they become more efficient to use and more reliable. Many have speculated that if you were to line certain areas of deserts all over the world with solar panels, you'd be able to power the planet. Plus, there are places that have houses that are indeed powered by these panels and their bills for said power cost much less than those who use electricity via fossil fuels. All it takes is one person to make this the priority and this could indeed be our future by 2030, and that would be a very good and clean future to have. #InsaneCuriosity#RecentSpaceDiscoveries
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQrbY0rNGe0

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