Monday, 8 June 2020

Liked on YouTube: How does the Internet work? Where is the internet?

How does the Internet work? Where is the internet?
Where is the Internet? Location? How does the internet work? And most importantly, how much does it weigh? You are on it right now. 30 years ago, it didn’t exist for most of us. But today Many of us can’t live without it. Of course, I am talking about the internet. There are about 4 billion internet users in the world – more than half of all human beings, but where is this all-powerful, god-like technology actually located? I am going to show you not only where it’s located, but how it works. When we watch a live television show, it is being broadcast from a studio somewhere in the world, it is being transmitted via satellite or through a TV station tower. But when it comes to the internet…It turns out that it is not located in just one spot. This is the reason it exists in the first place. The internet was created in 1969 by the research unit of the United States Defense department, called DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). It was created with the thought that since it would be a network, not located in any one place, it could not be easily destroyed in case of war, because if you bombed one arm of the network, there would be others that would still allow people to communicate, and so we wouldn’t lose the war. The internet consists of a massive network of servers (a fancy name for specialized computers) located in data centers throughout the world. They are tied together with a backbone of mostly fiber optic cables, and exchange points located in major cities. The term world wide web is part of the internet – it is just a user-friendly way to access the information on the internet. When you enter a particular domain name in your browser, like or your browser seeks out the location of the server which holds the files for that website by finding its uniqueIP address. An IP is simply an agreed-upon digital addressing strategy, or internet protocol, which consists of a series of numbers, separated by periods. Every URL (or website address) has a unique IP address. When your browser accesses these website files, it translates them into text, photos, videos, and formatting that you can view on your computer using a language called html (Hyper Text Markup Language). The actual content of the internet resides, as of 2018 in about 75 million servers located around the world. These servers are located typically in data centers like these (show picture of Google Data center)…in faceless buildings that you would probably not even know if you passed it. And who controls the world wide web – well, no one officially controls it, but the defacto rulers of the web are Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Mozilla – the makers of the most popular web browsers. 5 billion devices access the internet. Shockingly, do you know that the internet has a weight. Before I reveal the weight of the internet, if you like this video please subscribe, and press the bell icon, so you can be the first to comment. I’d love to hear from you. Google estimates that the internet has a total memory capacity of 5 million Terabytes of information (show number in bytes). That’s 5 million, trillion bytes of information. The home of the internet is the globe, on a tiny planet called earth. The internet consists of nothing but digital bits of electrical on-off pulses. And if you weighed these trillions upon trillions of bits of data and the electrons carrying them, it would weigh a whopping – 0.2 millionths of an ounce – about the weight of a grain of sand. #arvinash #internet
via YouTube

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